And We're in Neverland

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Elena POV:

It had been five days sense Peter left, and I hadn't heard a word from anyone about him. Jasper and Drew were constantly checking up on me, and every night one of them was keeping watch outside the little tree house I had been staying in. They were keeping me safe on Peter's orders, and I was very thankful for both of them to do so. I had also been getting to know them once again, and they told me we were on a island called Neverland. A place where you would never grow old, and it was a land of adventure. A place created completely on belief, and it was all very magical.

Things were going as good as they could get with Peter not being here and all. Though I was also beginning to get fed up with being kept prisoner in the camp, as the other Lost Boys got to wander as they pleased. Though Jasper had explained to me many times that I was still hurt which I knew all to well because I could still feel the pain in my side lots of the time, and that him and Drew were on strict order not to let me leave the camp. Either way I was becoming restless, and needed to see more of Neverland, and I knew one way or another I was going to get my way.

"Drew please, I promise I'm feeling better, my side doesn't hurt and its not bleeding anymore." I complained to Drew as I sat on a log in the camp. While Jasper was cooking something on the fire further away I decided to give Drew a try. He was the easy one after all.

"Elena like Jasper's told you we are under strict orders not to let you leave camp by Pa... I mean Peter." Drew stumbled shaking his head frustrated before continuing to sharpen a spear. Completely ignoring my protests.

"Drew but aren't you listening. Peter wanted to keep me safe, but I'm feeling better now so really I don't need you guys anymore. So technically you can't tell me what to do." I said quickly getting up as a surge of pain shot up my side as I let out a small groan making Drew look over. He quickly got up making his way over to me about to lift up my shirt before I slapped his hand away. "Hey!" I yelled at him as he rolled his eyes.

"Elena let me see it." Drew said forcefully while I backed up not wanting to see my wound that still hadn't healed. This however only made Drew roll his eyes as he took a step toward me again only making me take a step back. "Oh come El I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to see how bad its got."  He reasoned but I just shock my head no.

"If I let you see you'll never let me leave camp." I stated truthfully not going to not be able to leave cause of some little wound.

"Elena your not leaving anyway just let Drew see. His the best healer we have now that Peter is not here." Jasper said from behind us only making me roll my eyes at his statement. Drew took another step closer to me his eyes meeting mine asking for permission while I nodded reluctantly as he pulled up my shirt some to see my wound.

(A/U Okay I just wanted to say real quick everything thats going on right now is not meant to be inappropriate so please don't take it that way. His trying to help her.)

"It looks like stitches reopened. I'll have to stitch them back up at put a fresh bandage on nothing drastic." He said letting my shirt drop back to where it sat before then began to walk away expecting me to follow him. "Well come on." He said looking back at me catching Jasper's attention again.

"No." I said crossing my arms over my chest while they both looked at me annoyed.

"No what do you mean no?" Jasper said walking over to stand beside Drew both looking quite annoyed with me, but I didn't care. I was determined to leave camp even for only a hour. Because if I didn't I knew I would die of boredom, and I was already beginning to die on the inside of not exactly knowing what was all out there.

"I mean no. It's a simple answer really." I mocked as they both began to grow furious at my new found attitude, but also a glimmer of recollection passed on both their faces. I assumed this was the way I used to act, and I felt like I was beginning to find myself again. At least thats what I hoped it was. "Take me outside the camp, and I'll let you stitch me back up." I bargained as they stared back with a look consisting of anger, annoyance, and something else.

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