New Story

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Below is a idea I have for a new story please give it a try and tell me what you think also remember to help me out with the Twenty Questions for Forever.
Okay here we go.

I wish my life was normal. I wish even just for a day that I could be a normal teenager, but let's be honest that's never going to happen. You may be confused as to what I'm talking about. But before I tell you about my 'Little Secret' why don't I introduce myself first. My name is Rowan Landers, Ro for short, and I am not your typical teenage girl, and this is sure hell not your typical love story. Far from it actually. The world that you thought you knew so well... well let's just say you haven't even scratched the surface of the creatures that roam around beside you. They exist living side by side with you, texting you, being in the same algebra class as you, and even going as far as eating at the same dinner table as you. You never knew that you spent your whole life with these creatures, but they knew. Well most did. Some don't even know what they are, what there capable of, but with one wrong swipe of the hand they could rip your throat out like nothing at all.

But like I said this is no ordinary story that you hear off the block, and I am certainly not any ordinary girl that you find off the street. Oh no, not even close. The creatures that you had no idea were your best friends. Well I'm one of them. I'm a Werewolf. But let's get something straight this is not some Twilight movie where creatures sparkle and do only good. Where the werewolf packs take care of outsiders because they feel as if it's their job. Not all are like that most aren't, and we would protect our Pack before ever protecting a simple human. We have so many other things. We have our packs, our family, and above all else our Mates. Sorry but it's the truth. Humans wouldn't think twice about killing each and every one of us, and hanging our heads on their walls as trophies. I have seen members of my family get shot, and then get dragged off like they don't matter after that. A year later you find their head on some humans wall, but they have no clue what they actually shot. They just believe what they see, and what they see is a ordinary wolf. Not a human who had a family, a life, and a future of there own. Just a wolf that's all they see, that's all they'll ever see. So why should we do anything to help them in return when they are in need and dying, when they would kill us without hesitation?

You see my point exactly. So now I guess you know, this isn't some Once Upon A Time, with a Happily Ever After at the end kind of story. This is a story that involves more death then one should ever go through in one's life. I'm sure you think I'm just bitter and full of hatred, but I wasn't always like this. I used to be the one full of hope, but after going through so much death, darkness, and even despair it changes you, and not for the better let me tell you. Life hadn't always been like this, not for me, and not for anyone else. Of course it was hard, but we got through it and we're content with how things were going. Even if it wasn't always great we still had each other, which we always told each other was enough. But things changed. Things that I still can't fully comprehend though I wish more then anything I could. Things changed after the night of the Harvest Moon, things I can't fully explain. Something that would forever change our lives, and something I could never forget.

Alright so here's my new story please comment and vote on how you liked it because I want to know. Thanks guys love you bye!!!!

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