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Elena POV:

I had done it. I had gotten the Natives and Pixies to side with me, and gain their help in the future. Though who knew how soon that future could make an appearance. Now I was headed back to the Lost Boys, and most importantly Peter. I was heading back to Peter Pan.

I had asked Clarion before I left if she could some how magical give me back the clothes I was wearing when I was taken by Tiger Lily and Kocoum. Which she happily did, and for the first time I was grateful to her. The clothes who make things easier to explain without sounding like I was lying. Because wearing a ball gown to the Lost Boys camp would probably throw suspicion between the boy, most certainly Peter. At least with my torn and dirty red shirt, jeans, and boots that I was wearing sense I got here it would look more believable because they were much more dirty now then they were before. I just hoped things continued going according to plan. I mean I still had to go through the Shadows Ring and I could come face to face with death again. I hoped that wouldn't be the case, but this was me we were talking about and anything was possible.

Before making my way into the darkness that I knew well enough as the Shadows Ring I looked behind me at the world I was leaving behind. The Pixies world. A world of freedom, happiness, and maybe even love if thats what it came down to with Jack, and was that really that bad. Just forgetting about my stupid plan with Peter and the Lost Boys and just explain to Clarion that I wanted to stay, and become a Pixie. To live out the rest of my life here with Jack, and through it fall in love. 

Or leave the Pixie world and have to face possible death and somebody finding out what I was up to every single day. To have to lie to those who had become my friends like Drew, Jasper, Seth, and so many others. I even had conflicted feeling about lying to Peter. I had all my memories back, and I had an idea of what this darkness really was, and if I was right Peter couldn't control it. The darkness controlled him, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. It was a life of uncertainty and above all fear. Like a nightmare, but this one you couldn't wake up from because it was reality. It was my reality. A reality I couldn't even remember how it had become to be mine. It was all different from what used to be my life back in Storybrooke, but the thing was I didn't miss it like a normal person would. I was happy I no longer lived the boring life of safety, and hiding. I thrived as weird as it was here in Neverland. I had begun to see it as a kind of home. Storybrooke was just a place I grew up, and its not like I had anything waiting for me there. Nobody cared enough I was gone because if they did they would be here now, but the thing was they weren't. The crazy thing was Jasper, Drew, the Lost Boys, the Natives, Jack, the Pixies, and even Peter Pan... they were all there for me. The Natives along with the Pixies had both said the Lost Boys had been searching nonstop for me. Peter even more. No matter what they had all done they had become a kind of family to me, and I loved and cared for them. No matter what came from this plan I would make sure they were safe. That they were all safe.

I needed to see them again. My brothers and whatever Peter was to me which I still didn't know the answer to. so I crossed into the darkness, into the deadly Shadow Ring already being able to hear the screeching and screams of the depressed Shadows. I lighted the torch Clarion had given me with my elemental magic that I was beginning to get used to. I mean thats all I'd had to use, and I wasn't really planning to use anything else. Though with my memories back I remember my grandmother Regina telling me that when you truly needed you magic they would come to you with a blink of an eye. I was hoping however that time would never come, because it was usually magic came when you were in deadly situation. This was most certainly a deathly situation, but so far I was in no danger. Though that could change in a moments notice.

Walking forward into pure darkness was like walking through a maze or hunted house in a way. Your heart always seemed to be beating rapidly never knowing what could behind the corner, and that in itself was the scariest part imaginable. So yes in a way the Shadows Ring was like that, at least to a fault. The Shadows Ring however was much more darker, deadly, dangerous, and anything else you would think of when such words came to mind especially in a situation like this. Counting through the darkness was dreadful though. I had no clue that if any moment a Shadow would jump out and rip my Shadow out in a blink of an eye. I could only hope it would go better then last time. 

Though just as the thoughts lingered my mind I heard the screeching grow louder signaling that a Shadow was growing closer. They were most likely on high alert with me being here only two days before. I was just happy that Peter's Shadow was with him at the moment, searching for me. So I would only have to deal with the Shadows victims. It could have been better though. 

I hid behind a tree opposite of the direction I assumed the Shadow was coming hoping it would pass over me, and I could be on my way. Though the Shadow was smart for being well... a Shadow and searched around for me before its glowing eyes landed on me. "Aw dammit!" I yelled angrily as the Shadow screamed alerting his friends who screamed from nearby. Before flying toward me but I jumped to the ground so it just flew over me, and ran into a tree. Okay so maybe he wasn't that smart. So with that I took off in a run more Shadows however fallowing me as I ran.

Running as fast as I could through the dark forest I heard the screams echo from behind me daring myself not to look back. I knew better, and had made the mistake before, and didn't wish to trip at a time such as this. I could hear the calls and screams growing closer, and could feel their cold breaths on my neck. They were catching up, and I was beginning to loose my stamina. My breathing was ragged, and tears rolled down my face thinking of what could happen to me if I was caught. Would they kill me right away, or would it be much slower, and painful. The only thing I wished for is they made it quick enough so I went numb before leaving this world.

I bit my lip shaking my head dismissing the evil thoughts coursing through my head. I couldn't think that way otherwise that's exactly what would happen. I had to think positive, and most importantly I had to get out of here. I took that last surge of energy within me, and took off running as fast as my legs would carry me as the shouts and cries diminished some as I kept running faster and faster away from them. I was almost out as I could almost see the forest brightening out ahead of me making a small smirk fall upon my face seeing my freedom so close, but yet so far.

Before I knew what hit me I was being dragged backward screams burning up from within my throat. I cried as they dragged me further into the dark part of the forest as I kicked and punched at them only making them shriek in annoyance. As I kicked one of them in the face they flew backward hitting a tree with a loud thud. The others looked back to see their buddy distracting them enough for me to escape them running back towards the clearing once again. Though just as I was about to escape the dark part of the forest something flew right at my head with the strength of a brick, and before I knew it everything was turning black around me, and I was gone.

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