Dark Eyes

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Elena POV:

I awoke to the sound of waves crashing, to the wind whistling in my ears, to the sound of music drifting through the winds, and then to my ears. My eyes fluttered open as a huge headache settled within me as I sat up holding my head in pain. I looked around the dark sky around me to become confused of my new found whereabouts, to have last night events flash through my mind. Finding my fathers journals, getting my memories of my past back, finding the book about Pan, the Shadow taking me away, and of my family promising to find me. It all came bursting back into my mind as I tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to flow from my eyes. I couldn't cry here. I couldn't allow Pan whoever he was know I was weak. I wouldn't allow myself to cry, I couldn't. I reached for the charm around my neck to find nothing there but a cold beating heart. I had somehow managed to loose my star necklace on the trip here, and now it was gone forever. The only hope I had of my family coming for me was gone. I let out a small whimper, but again wouldn't let the tears fall from my eyes. I took off my bag and unzipped it to see if the book was inside to see it still was thankfully. I was about to pull it out and try to get some information out of it when the tune was carried through the wind once again. I didn't know where it was coming from much less who was playing it, and though there were no words accompanying it it was still the most beautiful melody I had ever heard, and somehow I could relate to it.

I quickly abandoned the bag along with the book inside all about the monster I would soon come up against called Pan, and decided to fallow the music, and adventure off to see where it would lead me. I knew it could be dangerous just something called to me, and I had to find out what it was. I got up from my place on the sand wrapping my black leather jacket around me with the wind picking up. Then quickly bounded toward the forest having know idea where I was going, and forgetting all about my bad along with the book inside it. The further I went into the dense forest the louder the music became, and it was the most beautiful tune I had ever heard before. I then peeked behind a tree to see a large lit camp fire surrounded by boys dancing around it crying and screeching like wild animals. I knew I should be scared, but the truth was I was mesmerized by it. They didn't seem to have a care in the world like nothing else mattered in that moment. I wanted that as crazy as it sounded. Maybe not that feeling here cause I was still having a uneasy feeling about it all, but maybe back in StoryBrooke. Not having a care in the world, not worrying about what was going to come and get you the next time you forgot to check behind you for a enemy. Not having to worry about who was evil or not. Who was going to use their dark magic against you and the ones you loved. Not having to worry about any of that just to be free and act as who you are, a child yet.  These boys understood that and I had to hold my hand over my mouth to not let out a small whimper of wanting that so badly. I shook my head trying to dismiss the thoughts knowing better. Whoever these boys were they probably weren't good they probably worked for Pan or something, and before walking into a territory I didn't understand I needed to read that book. I needed to figure out what I was up against. I nodded at myself telling myself to get out of here before it was to late so I started to walk backwards when I stepped onto a stick and it snapped. I quickly put my back to the tree covering my mouth with my hand as I heard the music stop, and whispers start to rumble around the camp. Thats when I heard the crunch of someones shoes walking across the forest floor coming closer and closer to where I stood hidden behind the tree, but not for much longer. My breathing picked up and I wanted to scream and cry all at the same time, but I wouldn't I had to be strong. I heard the crunch getting closer and closer until I looked up to meet the face of a boy about my age or a little older. He had dark strawberry blonde hair and with the light he had very pale skin. Though the thing that really caught me were his eyes. They were dark very dark almost black it seemed.

I shook my head mouthing only one word to him 'Please'. He looked down at the forest floor then looked back up at me and continued walking up a little further then turned around walking back.

"There's nobody out here must have just been a animal or something." He said to the other boys I assumed.

He continued walking back only giving me one more glance nodding then running off back to the camp. I uncovered my mouth letting out a breath of relief then turned back to make sure nobody was watching, and ran off back to the beach. Or at least I hoped I was running back to the beach. It didn't take me to long, and I had found myself back where I had first awoken, a chill setting into my bones as the breeze became more violent along with the waves crashing upon the rocks. I walked back to my bag with the book held safely inside when I saw something flashing on top of the bag. I walked closer to see that it was my star necklace laying perfectly on top. I let out a little gasp as I grabbed it and spun around looking for whoever could have put it here, but there was nobody else besides me and the trees on one side of me and the ocean on the other. Not a living breathing thing had seemed to even step foot here for quite sometime besides myself. But how could of it just appeared here? My bag was up far enough so the waves couldn't reach it and have it wash up my necklace, and there were no foot prints visible besides my own. So how could my necklace just show up on my bag like nothing at all. I then thought of the shadow and how it flew so mighty high and free. It had to be him. That seemed to be the only explanation, but then there was Pan, and I yet I had no idea of what he possessed inside him nor what he was capable of. So there was also a very good chance of it being him. I could tell how ever he was trying to scare me, but I wouldn't have it. I would get out of here one way or another, and he would be nothing to worry about. If he was so big and bad why hadn't he come to face me yet? Or better yet why hadn't that boy spoken up and said I was there? Either way I would find my answers I knew I would. I believed.

I soon after grabbed my bag and slung it on my shoulder, and then carefully put my necklace around my neck right where it belonged. I then ventured off into the forest once again not sure where I was going but I had a feeling I would know it when I saw it. Many things ran through my head as I walked through the forest, many having to deal with my home in StoryBrooke along with my family. Were they looking for me or happy I was finally out of there lives? Did Tristan even care? I mean now he could be with Hera every day, and now there was nothing from stopping him to feel bad about it. Were my parents happy they didn't have somebody useless to protect anymore? Was it a lie when they said they would come for me? I expected as much. Who would come for me when I had nothing to give in return? I walked for awhile longer having these thoughts running around in my head when I came upon a small cave. I smiled to myself finding my new home, at least for a little while. I then walked in finally out of the cold that was catching up to me. Looking around it seemed like somebody had lived here many years ago. There were marks along the walls seeming that whoever lived here had been counting there stay. On the side there was a fur pelt most likely where someone would sleep, and then not to far from it was a area where you would most likely have a fire for either warmth or to cook up some food. There was a little rock like table with a coconut on top most likely used for a bowl or cup then beside that was a whole one. On top it had little holes and on the bottom nothing at all. It seemed like what they would have used for a nightlight. It all seemed cozy enough, and though I wanted to read all about Pan and who he was and what I should be prepared for. I was becoming tired from the long day, and decided to just rest. I started a small fire then made my way to the animal pelts, and soon fell fast asleep. Cause tomorrow would be a big day I could feel it.

Peter Pan POV:

She thought she was winning my game already. What a naive girl. This was my island, my rules, my game, and I always won. "Pan she was spotted near the camp." Said my new second command Jasper. He had dark strawberry blonde hair along with eyes that almost seemed black. He was loyal and was one of my newest recruits after the other Lost Boys left because of Henry's family, and Felix's death. Oh revenge was sweet. I had my new Lost Boys that were much more loyal then the last, and I had the daughter of the family that destroyed everything to me, and I was going to make them pay for it.

"Thank you Jasper. Tell the boys, were going hunting at dawn." I smiled evilly as Jasper let a smirk fall to his face as he nodded and left to tell the boys who whopped and hollered. Tomorrow would be a very big day I could feel it.

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