I Promsie

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Elena POV:

Pan chuckled as the words left my lips, and I just couldn't fully understand why. He had just openly admitted I was catching up what was so funny about me winning his silly childish game. I still didn't know the point of all these games or why I was here in the first place, and in all honesty I don't think Pan would answer my questions if I asked him. "What's so funny? Don't you believe me?" I growled at him as he just rolled his eyes chuckling some more.

"Oh little Elena your really to much." He said as he circled me like a vulture in another would, but then again the vulture itself probably learned to do that from Pan himself. "Like I've told you before everything that's happened and will happen is what I want to happen. It's all going the way I've planned it. You just can't beat me. I always win my games, and this isn't any different. You'll loose, and I'll get what I wanted." He spoke while I watched him like a hawk to expel his next move.

"What do you want Pan? Why am I even here? Why have you haunted my dreams even as a child. Why did you act kind at points to me, and now act like this? What made you turn into this MONSTER?!" I yelled at him my anger getting the better of me. I don't know how he got under my skin like he did, all I knew is once he got there he would't leave. I wanted to hate him, but then I thought back to the story about his past life and the ripped out pages. He had a terrible life from what I read, and there was more to it that was stolen, and I attended to find out all about that past.

"That isn't any of your concern love, so I wouldn't make it a priority unless you want to have a target on your pack. Cause I sure as hell wouldn't recommend it from me." He hissed at me while I only glared back.

In all truth it was very strange the way I had been acting sense I stepped foot in Neverland. I had become brave, even my skills in weaponry had approved. I wasn't afraid to say what needed to be said in front of Pan who would kill me without a second thought, or anyone else for that matter. All in all I had even become heroic in a way. It's like even though my family wasn't here in person. I felt them in my heart, and even though they may never know about my time here, and what I did I wanted to make them proud.

"Your a coward Peter Pan. You act as if you are this evil villain that doesn't care about anything, but himself, and maybe you do only care about yourself. But I see the way you look at those Lost Boys, and I can tell that that look isn't just nothing. Your not only a coward for not admitting it, but your a fake. This whole little life you've created for yourself is all fake because you weren't brave enough to let the past go, and show the people and the world around you who you truly are." I tell him as he stops walking and glares at me. I take a deep breath and walk up to him until I am right in front of him. Face to face. "You care for the Lost Boys, and you care for whatever was held in your past that you made sure I wouldn't see. You act as if you don't have a heart, but I can see you do. You can threaten me as much as you'd like, and you can lock me in that bird cage over and over again, but a cage doesn't blind you it only hides you. I will find out who you are Peter Pan, and I promise you that much." I tell him as I look into his eyes to see something flash over them, but as soon as I see it, it's gone once again.

"How long did it take you to come up with that one there El?" He sneered while I just sighed and stepped away from him turing around slowly and walking to the edge of the cliff. I could sense his eye's on me, but I wouldn't look back nor would I give up. I was going to find out who Peter Pan really was, and I was going to get off this island. whatever it took I would do what had to be done. I was going home. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, or maybe not even next week, but I was going home.

"You think just a few nicely spoken words can change decades of someone as evil as me? Your wrong. You have family with dark magic you can't be that naive to think all it took was a year or two to become good, and even if you do go good. You'll never truly be excepted by the heroes that you call your family. That family may I add hid half your own life from you." Pan said coming to stand next to me on the edge of the cliff, while I rolled my eyes at him turning to look at him.

"I don't expect anything from you Peter. I know about the hardship of going from dark to light, and I know it's no easy task, and can't happen in just mere years. It doesn't work like that. The only thing that can change someone to go dark to light, or even light to dark is pure love. Other wise your just stuck in the middle with both flaws. That's how I know you have a heart Peter Pan. You would have had to love someone or something a great deal to change you so much, and I'm sorry they gave you so much pain in return. That you feel they gave up on you." I told him looking up at him while he looked at the range of ocean in front of us. I sighed and looked ahead as well before I spoke again. "Peter I don't know why you brought me to your island, or why you haunted my dreams for so long, but I'll figure them out for myself soon enough. I won't make you tell me, but I won't just sit back and watch you harm those boys or anyone else. I won't allow it." I told him truthfully while I turned back and started walking into the forest hoping to find my way back to camp soon enough. Right before I walked into the thick trees I looked up to come face to face with Peter once again. He had a new flame burning in his eyes like I had opened up an old wound. He was trying to hide away a part of himself he had only given up once, which had ended with him where he was today, and after that he had hid it away and I was threatening to destroy his work of that. But I had to find out the truth. The truth of his past, it may be the only way to get me home.

"You Elena Mills know nothing about me, about this island, or my past." He spoke threateningly in his own strange way. Like just pointing that out was enough for me to back down, and shrink away from what I had promised him, but I wasn't easily scared off. Not sense I found out who I truly could be, and after stepping foot on this island. I was someone new and I wasn't going to go back to who I used to be, not in a long shot.

"I know enough." With that I walked into the dense forest making my way to where I hoped camp was, and praying I wouldn't get lost on the way. Right before I got to far away from the cliff and Peter I took one last glance to see him watching me walk off, and the one place I remember him being good. The place that I remind myself proves he has a heart in that walled up soul of his, and I smiled.

Peter Pan's POV:

"You Elena Mills know nothing about me, about this island, or my past." I spoke as threateningly to her as I possibly could. I needed to try and scare her off. To scare her enough so she wouldn't try to put her nose where it doesn't belong, and ruin all my hard work. The hard work to keep myself away from the world. The hard work to act as if I don't care about anything what so ever, that I don't even have a heart. I couldn't have all that work washed down the drain, I wouldn't allow this one girl to somehow open up my heart to the possibilities of showing compassion to others. To look weak all because of a heart. I couldn't.

"I know enough." She said, and with that she walked off into the dense forest that was called Neverland. Right before she disappeared from sight she turned back to look at me and the cliff that I remembered far to well, and she smiled. She smiled at me before disappearing. I couldn't believe her. This one little girl I had watched over sense she was born, this girl I has sent nightmares every night for years, this girl I had sent my shadow after. This one simple innocent girl I had showed compassion for only once when she was but a young child, this one girl was already slowly but surly opening up my heart to the possibilities. Possibilities that I didn't even know were possible to think about again after my past. A past I was so afraid to return to. The past that I was afraid would repeat again if I didn't stop it.

'Because sometimes the people we should fear the most are the people closest to us.'

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