Missing Home

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Elena POV:

"Elena don't you remember this isn't your first time in Neverland." She smiled before walking away once again leaving me even more confused then before.

"I know, but those times were all in dreams, and I only remember ever seeing Peter in those dreams even in those nightmares. Maybe some Lost Boys but I could never see there faces they were always hidden in the shadows." I said almost speaking to myself as thoughts erupted in my mind while I ran to catch up to her and to keep with her pace.

"How did you get these memories back El?" Tiger Lily asked while I looked at her oddly.

"I had this dream where I saw Peter again, but at the time I hadn't known who he was. I couldn't even really see him except his eyes he must have used magic or something, but before I woke up he told me we would see each other again, and gave me my memories back." I told her remembering that dream like it only happened yesterday. Sometimes it really felt like it had, but to many things had happened sense that day. I tried to not think about it much, but it always seemed to cloud my mind, and no matter what I did I couldn't stop it.

"He must have blocked out other dreams you've had here in Neverland." She said shaking her head angrily.

"Wait have we met before is that how you knew my name?" I asked her as she smiled at me.

"Now your starting to get it El, but don't worry after you meet my father my mother can help open up your mind to your past dreams, then you'll finally remember everything. Because right now you only remember what Pan wants you to." She said as I nodded in return. I didn't know what else to do. I had thought maybe Peter wasn't so bad I mean he had given me back what was mine. My memories my powers, but now light was appearing in the dark crevices that I hadn't known the answers to before. With the help of Tiger Lily I could finally figure out all the questions that I had that needed answers to before.

After that we walked in silence both in our both minds, but something was still bothering me even with going to get more of my memories back. Peter had made me promise him that day on the cliff to not forget the good side of him. But what made him change if it wasn't the Indians. Had he been playing me even that young, but then why make me promise not to forget. Though he has said many time before everything that happens he has wanted to. So what if this was just another piece of his evil plan, and I was right where he wanted me. I didn't want to be played like all I was was an object that could be tossed around and forgotten. I wasn't that kind of girl that would just ignore it, and be all fine and dandy with it, but again the question still remained. Had the promise been nothing but part of a plan, or was something else happening here, and if that was the case I knew I had to figure it out.

We soon got to the middle or at least what looked like the middle of the village in the tress where a huge tree house sat peacefully. "This is the chief's hut. Please fallow me" She smiled while opening the door and leading us both inside into the warm house that reminded me a lot of home. It just had that loving cozy feeling to it that I had been missing so much sense being taken from my home back in StoryBrook. Being here made me miss everything back home from my parents and families heroic sense of being, Neal's obnoxious talks with him always calling me cousin non stop. I even missed Hera who I now wished I had given a chance to get to know. I especially missed Tristan's laugh, and my parents over protectiveness surprising. It was just here there was no one telling to to be carful or even trying to keep you truly safe. I missed it all. I had been to busy thinking about the things back home I hadn't relised that I had begun to cry.

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