Indians part 1

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Elena POV:

He made me sick! I mean did he honestly think I was that stupid, and did he forget that I am the granddaughter of Emma Sawn?! She can sniff out five miles away, literally. I may not be as good as her, but I sure as hell can tell when I'm being lied to, and I know he just lied to me. Peter Pan I swear if he thinks that he can just get away with all these lies, he has another thing coming to him. I turned around and walked away from him to look for something that could 'help' Pan, and I could almost sense his evil smirk from here. I had to hold myself back from turning around and punching him. Instead I walked further away from him, and looked for Jasper. Once I saw him I saw he was looking at something along with Drew I ran over to them, and looked down to see a pair of footprints. "Do they look fresh to you?" Asked Jasper to Drew who I had found out from talking to him earlier was a great tracker. Drew kneeled down, and moved his fingers over the footprint, then rubbed them together his eyebrows scrunched together in thought. He finally stood up and looked around as me and Jasper did the same fallowing him as he began to walk.

"What's he doing?" I asked Jasper while we continued to fallow Drew around.

"Beats me, but Drew is the best tracker out of us all. Even Pan, and has never once failed us so I tend not to ask questions. He usually knows what his doing and we get the information that's requested to Pan." Jasper said shrugging his shoulder then flipping his strawberry hair out of his dark colored eyes that still memorized me.

"So these Indians there bad new huh?" I asked trying to get other peoples opinion besides Pan's besides he had lied to me, so I doubted the indians were all that bad at all.

"We call them Red Skins here." He chuckled while I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well there called Indians or Native Americans back home. Just answer the question." I pleaded annoyed, and just wanting to get my answers.

"That's what Pan say's I'm not really sure, I got here right after Pan ran them out." He said looking around them at the destroyed camp area. Thing's just weren't adding up.

"I know time works differently here, but how long ago do you think that was exactly? I ask him hoping that will help putting the pieces together correctly.

"Um well I was the first Lost Boy after his past one's apparently betrayed him so I don't know I'm sure quite awhile ago. I remember him talking about you once you were born or whatever saying you reminded him of 'her'. Pan was known as Peter during that time, but the indians were long gone by that time. Sorry I know it's not much, but time is so weird here." He said looking at me his dark eyes meeting mine.

"Thanks Jasper that was plenty of information thanks." I said smiling at him while I enclosed myself inside my mind.

Pan had told me he was good but the Indians got in the way, and he had to become evil to protect me. That the Indians were the bad guys, but from what Jasper had told me the Indians had been gone before even he got here, and that had been before I had been born. So they couldn't have been a real threat or at least not the threat that could have turned Peter evil once I was born, and not the reason Pan gave me nightmares. A part of me wanted to dismiss it, and just believe Jasper  didn't have the right information or was lying. The other part knew better, and reminded me that I was Emma Swan's granddaughter and I could tell when someone was lying, and Jasper wasn't lying, Pan was though. So in the end my heart was begging me to give Pan that second chance and believe him even though my brain was telling me otherwise. In a place like Neverland with all it's dangers using your heart wasn't a smart thing. So in the end I knew I had to go with my head, and going with my head I had my ideas as to why Pan had lied, and none of them dealt with wanting to protect me or anyone but himself. He was trying to win a game so he could take out two birds with one stone. Me and the Indians being the birds. I dismissed my thoughts feeling disgusted with Pan, and feeling the sickness that was wanting to go home again, and turned my attention back to Jasper and Drew who were discussing the footprints once again. I hadn't even noticed but we were now back to where we had started looking down at the prints on the forest floor.

"So what are you thinking Drew?" Asked Jasper while myself and Jasper turned to look at Drew who was looking at the footprints in thought.

"I think it's odd that these are the only footprints in the whole camp, and also with them being fresh. Not even a day old fresh. Like they were made a hour ago right before we got here, but even if that was the case where are the others. Red Skins can't fly, and these prints are in the middle of camp it just doesn't make sense." Drew said as Jasper looked around worried etched on his face, but I just stood there not sure what to think. What was I suppose to think? I had heard many things today both tearing me apart on the inside. How could I know what to think if we ran into a Indian, and would I be able to protect them?  I wasn't sure of any of my answers and there were making me light headed. There were just to many questions, and I hated it. I hated being the one in the dark I always had, and nothing would ever change that.

"We should worn Pan something's going on here, and I don't like it." Jasper said walking away to go find Peter while I stayed with Drew, but he wasn't paying any attention to me. He was much to busy looking around while his mind was working out any answer that would make sense for the single footprint out of the whole camp.

"Talk to me Drew, what are you thinking?" I asked him kneeling down so I could look into his eyes.

"I don't know what to say Elena it just doesn't make sense. There can't just be a single pair of footprints and nothing else. Red Skins can't fly I'm just so confused." He said shaking his head while something flashed across his, and he quickly stood up, and began to walk away.

"Hey wait! Where are you going?!" I yelled at him, but he just continued walking not even turning around to look at me to answer me.

"To find Joey." He called back disappearing amongst the Lost Boys to find his younger brother while I just stood there alone. I was about to go find Seth, and see how he was doing when I heard a loud horn come from somewhere in the forest. I stopped and looked around along with the rest of the boys who must have heard the horn as well. It then came again, and the Lost Boys pulled out their weapons, but unlike them I had no weapon I had left mine back at camp. That's when I remembered my three daggers in my boots and quickly pulled them out getting in a fighting stance. As I looked around once again that's when I noticed the eyes hiding in the bushes and in other areas around camp, and finally realized we were under attack. That's when the third and final horn made it's appearance, and shouting began. War had just broke out, and I was in the middle of it.

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