There Has to Be a Different Way

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Elena POV:

It was beginning to feel like a routine, and not the fun kind either. Making and finding new and old friends, and then having to split from them for the same old thing each time. To protect them from the darkness that loomed over Neverland and everyone on it. Tristan, Jasper, Drew, Seth, Tiger Lily, Kocoum, Jack, Loki, Gemini, and maybe even deep down Peter as well. Having to protect them from this darkness that had such a tight hold on Peter, such a grip that a part of me wanted to forget all about this war I was leading because it was hopeless. However if I'd learned anything it was that nothing was hopeless nor impossible, and even if you didn't succeed the first time there was nothing strong enough holding you back from trying again.

Now here I was again heading to the Pixie Ring to prepare for war. As far as I knew the Pixies and Natives would be waiting there along with anyone else who was prepared to fight. The Pixies had opened a kind of cavern for those who wished to fight along side them, and now everyone was waiting for a signal from me. Waiting for me to tell them to start a war with the man I'd grown to have feelings for. To start a war with the man who took me from everything I knew for five years, and lied to me sense the moment I'd met him. A man who really wasn't a man at all but a boy. A boy who wanted nothing more then to be a boy forever, and never grow up, and could I really blame him for that. After all he'd saved so many boys from worse lives back wherever they came from before. He'd brought them to Neverland and took them under his wing. They were brothers to one another, and would fight as such, I knew this well. I had witnessed these things, and was amazed by it, but I also respected it beyond all else. Peter had taken these boys out of terrible home lives, and just bad situations in general. It was such a wonderful deed. One the boys could never pay back. So in a strange way this was there way of doing so. By fighting on his side even when they knew it wasn't right, they owed him that much. After all, none of the boys were stupid, nor was Peter for that matter, far from it actually. But they would fight for one another, and do anything to keep their beloved island and youth intact forever.

As much as I tried to hate them, each and everyone of them I just couldn't. It was impossible. How could I hate those who were just like me. Lost.

I had lived a loved life. I had never lived a day in my life that those around me weren't always worried for my well being. Now I knew why, but that still didn't change the facts. My family loved me from birth until this very day when they were searching for me not even knowing if I was alive or not. They had risked everything for me, and yet I'd done nothing to deserve it. I had a family, and many others, all who would do anything I asked them. Yet for some strange reason I still felt like those boys back at camp. Lost, scared, uncertain, and unloved. Though I had no reason to be. For crying out loud my family had been searching for me for five years and I hadn't even known it. Instead I was only thinking of my mere little problems, all evolving around a certain person, but yet I had never thought once about how my family was taking my absence. If they were upset, terrified, heartbroken, or how I felt now, lost, scared, uncertain. I hadn't considered any of these things, and now here I was making my way through a secret cavern, and just beyond it my family and loved ones would be waiting for me. What would I even tell them? That I'd missed them and thought of them daily? That I had possibly fallen in love with the ruler of Neverland who had tortured my dreams sense I was but a child? Well I'll give you a hint, it wouldn't be the former. I was out of my wits, and had not more moves to play. I was so used to Pan's games I had forgotten how to deal with reality, if that was what you could even call it.

I knew I was getting close to the end. I could smell the lilacs blooming and hear the water rushing through from the water falls that made up one of the many entrances into the Pixie Ring. This is where my life would change once again. Once I walked through that magical entrance I would enter a whole new chapter up my life, that was uncertain, and scary. Though if I went back I'd go back to what already was, and that was even scarier. I knew the war that I was brewing was a bold and dangerous move, but I didn't know what else to do. I didn't want to end up like Clarissa, but I didn't want to start a war I didn't know if I could finish it. What scared me the most though was I might be the one to end Peters life. I was the one after all who had started it, so why shouldn't I be the one to finish it? It wasn't like there were any other ways.

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