Breaking Down

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Elena POV:

"Your stupid you know that?!" Yelled a very angry Kocoum as I stood there by the railing looking up at the moons. I had never noticed before that there were three moons in Neverland it was almost pathetic I was only noticing now especially under the circumstances.

"The moons are so bright tonight." I said smiling up at the sky directing my attention to the second star to the right which was also glowing quite brightly in the night sky.

"Are you listening to a word I'm saying Elena!?" Kocoum yelled grabbing my wrist making me turn to look at him instead of the night sky.

"I'm listening, besides how could I not your yelling it out for the whole island to hear." I said with a huff pushing him away as I leaned back on the railing still keeping eye contact with him. "The big issued is I just don't care." I said letting a smirk fall across my face as he rolled his eyes at me. He knew as well as I did this wasn't me even though I would never let him know that. It didn't matter though, I couldn't let him get to me otherwise I chicken out, and not do what needed to be done. For not only me, but for everyone on Neverland, and maybe even everyone back home in StoryBrooke. I was doing this for the common good why didn't anyone get that.

"This isn't you Elena." He huffed leaning against the rail beside me as I looked at him anger burning through me.

"How do you know this isn't me?! You don't even know me, nobody here does nor does anybody back home, not even my best friend Tristan. You want to know why? Because half my life was taken away from me, and I didn't even know it. I didn't even have enough knowledge to stop it from happening, I couldn't even protect myself. So how the hell do you know if this is me or not, when I'm not even sure if this is me or not!?" I yelled at him as tears streamed down my face in frustration as he looked at me completely shocked, but so was I. "I'm sorry." I said wiping away my stray tears embarrassed that I had just said all that to someone I didn't even know anymore.

"You having nothing to be sorry about, like we said before I can't even imagine what your going through right now. How are you getting through this anyway?" He asked as I chuckled at him.

"Does this look like me getting through it?" I chuckled stressed out more then I should ever admit out loud to anyone.

"Looks like your doing better then most people would be doing." He said shrugging truthfully.

"That's not true anyone in my family could be doing so much better then me. They would probably be home by now, but not me I'm like the runt of the family. Even my cousin Neal could have figured this out by now in his own weird way..." I stopped thinking about what I said. 'Cousin.' I never called Neal my cousin in fact I hated when he did that to me. I couldn't help but laugh chocking on my tears just thinking about it.

"Hey, hey it's okay. You'll see them again I promise." Kocoum said pulling me into a hug while I cried into his fur shirt. I would have to pay who knew what kind of price to the Pixies there was a chance I would never see my family again. That was even if I got that far. I could get kidnapped by Pan again which would be the best option, or I could die in the Shadows Ring. I didn't know what would happen after tonight this was my last night of certainty.

"If there is one thing I've learned is never promise thing's you can't keep." I sniffled pulling away from the hug.

"You don't have to be brave all the time Elena."

"But I do. Because I know if I don't I know I'll break like I just did, but I'll do it over and over, and if I break completely I know I won't be able to repair myself up again, and I'll loose, and I never will see my family again. At least this way there's a chance, and I would rather have that small chance then none." I said sadly looking back up to the sky.

"Well then I wish I could be as brave as you." Kocoum said as I looked at him strangely like he was a puzzle meant to be solved.

"Why are you here Kocoum?" I asked curiously.

"What on earth do you mean Elena?" He asked giving me his own strange look to match my own.

"I mean why are you out here trying to open me up, trying me to get me to talk about all this. Because if it to try, and pursue me not to go then your wasting your breath." I said angrily.

"That's not why I'm here. Before Loki left to do the same thing you are he told me one of the things that got him through the Shadows Ring was having people in his corner knowing that they were thinking of him. Though they weren't next to him they were with him in his heart, and that they were fighting themselves for him to come back. So I figured maybe that could help you somehow going out there tomorrow." He said as I looked at him smiling.

"That means a lot Kocoum, I'm happy I have you in my corner, but I won't be going tomorrow." I said kneeling down grabbing my bag on the floor.

"Wait what?!" He asked shocked in utter belief.

"I need to go now before Pan think somethings up. I need to get this done, and over with as soon as I can. I'll send something to you as soon as I get out." I said walking away from him before he stopped me.

"What if you don't get out?" He asked shyly.

"Kocoum Neverland is built on belief, and as long as we believe it will happen. As long as I believe I'll make it out, I'll be okay." I said smiling before leaving the safety of the village, and back into the forest where the only thing I was sure of was fate would concur all, and if that was in death that's what it would be. Thought I wasn't worried because I believed enough that I would be okay, and that we would win. I could only hope belief would be enough.

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