And those are the Lost Boys

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Elena POV:

Everything was perfect under the circumstances. Everything was calm and peaceful, and I was happy sitting under the wild willow with Peter beside me. I just felt at peace with the world around me. Even if I did't know where that was, but I was okay with that. I was okay being unsure about everything. Not forever, but for the time being I was okay with that. I was okay with the unknown of not only the future but the past as well. Because at the moment things were better then okay.

Me and Peter sat under the willow tree away from the heat of the sun. Both leaning our backs on the cool surface of the bark, just talking about the past that I couldn't remember. Peter told me that I hadn't been here long, but I had been missing for some time. We had went on a kind of adventure to try to find something when the Red Skins also known at Natives ambushed us. They knocked Peter and his brothers/friends out. However these friends were also known as the Lost Boys, and Peter ruled over them though to him they were really just his brothers. He may had not come out, and said it that way but I could tell. Anyway they had kidnapped me, and every sense Peter and the Lost Boys had been searching effortlessly to find me. Though sense that time I must have escaped, and got myself knocked out or something. 

Peter said I was in a strange place. Being so close to what he called the Shadows Ring a very dangerous place. Though he told me even before loosing my memories I never really knew the area well, and coming from the Natives hideout just made it worse. Though I knew none of this excused Peters want of knowing where I was this whole time, how I'd escaped, and where the hideout of the Red Skins was?  He wanted to know it all, but I couldn't give him any of the answers because I didn't know any of the answers. I wish I could have helped him more with the problem because by the sound of it the Red Skins needed to be stopped and soon. 

"I'm just happy your back though." Peter said finishing off with what he thought I had to know, at least for the time being.

"I just wish I could tell you more about what happened to me before I lost my memories. It's so unfair that their free roaming around after what they've done, and I was in their hideout, and I can't even tell you where it is. Because this stupid memory loss thing." I whined angry with not being able to help more.

"Hey it's not your fault, it's theirs. You've helped enough by getting out of there. That's all I care about." Peter said as I smiled up at him while he smiled down at me. 

The sun was just beginning to go down, and I didn't feel comfortable out here once darkness hit. So I quickly got up right after regretting it as I began to feel dizzy, fatigue, and many other things take over me. All in all it wasn't good. I held onto the tree to keep me steady as Peter noticed quickly standing up and holding me up by the arm.

"You okay there El?" He asked worried while I nodded trying to pull my wight of the tree as Peter let got of my arm, but didn't move away just incase I needed him. I put a hand on my hip feeling a wet sticky liquid seeping through my red shirt. I lifted my hand to expect it, my hand came back red. Peter took notice his eyes going wide before looking down at my side. "Oh my god El." Peter said as I began to grow even dizzier, and began to loose balance, but before I could fall Peter caught me holding me closely to his body. 

"Stay with me, do you here me Elena stay with me? Keep your eyes open!" Peter said as he quickly started running carrying me in his arms. I tried focusing on him. On his eyes, hair, lips. I tried focusing on anything and everything, but shock took over me, and before I knew it I was being swiped away into complete and utter darkness.


I awoke to voices surrounding me, and in all honesty I was starting to get annoyed with it. How many times was I going to pass out, and have to go through this over and over again. Though this time was different I remembered Peter finding me and writing on the willow tree. I remembered which gave me a sigh of relief. Though there were a few other memories sticking out in my mind not much but it was something. 

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