Once Upon a Time

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Elena POV:

I decided to wake up early that morning knowing fully well that it wouldn't take long for whoever Pan was to know I was here on the island, and most likely track me down just as fast. I was starting to become thirsty from not having drank or ate anything sense the night probably at Grannies, but I knew as soon as I left the comfort and safety of this abandoned cave I may never get it back. Pan and his boys could be waiting for me just outside the cave, and I was not taking that chance just yet. I needed to time to sort everything out, and the first thing to to was read about Pan. I crawled over to my bag unzipping it, and carefully pulling out the story book labeled Pan in gold cursive handwriting. I then laid it across my lap taking a big breath I dove into the story in front of me.

Once Upon a Time in a small town in the Enchanted Forest lived a young boy with the name of Peter. He was known to the town as the young thief. Because at the age of seven both of his parent abounded him not having enough money to feed there own wants of jewels and riches let alone there own son who could give them none of these things. So he was left on the streets with nothing but his Pan flute which became his only company. Though to survive, young Peter became a thief stealing from anyone and everything to survive the life that he was thrown into feeling unwanted, unloved, and above all else, lost. At the age of eleven he had found another group of young boys like himself put into the same situation, and became a leader to them. They worked together to keep themselves alive along with making each other feel loved and to not feel so lost anymore. Because they had a family now. Not with any adults or parents telling them what to do, but with each other as brothers of the streets or as they called each other the Lost Boys.

Peter lived like this along with the rest of the Lost Boys for the next eight years fighting for survival and a life of there own. Though at the age of eighteen, Queen Cora had sent out for Peters freedom. To bring him to the palace and send him to jail or even worse his death. He was captured soon after she had sent her guards out to find Peter along with his Lost Boys who were sentenced to a life of slavery for the Queen for the rest of there lives, but Peter's sentence was much more cruel. He was sentenced to death for the crimes he committed, and would hang for them.

As Peter sat waiting in his small cell in the dungeons with the only light coming from a small window so high he couldn't even jump to reach it. He remembered his life and reminisced the day he met the Lost Boys the day his life changed for the better. He remembered the day his parent left him with nothing but his Pan flute he still had slung around his neck. Then he remembered the dreams he had sense the first days he had on the streets till even now of a land called Neverland where you would never grow up, where nobody could tell you what to do, where imagination ran wild and free, and you could do whatever you wanted even fly if you believed so. It was a land of dreams, but he only hoped then when he did die that's where he would go, that's where his mind would take him. He believed it would. He had to believe it would, he had to believe in something better then this. Better then his death that was reaching near. He stood and walked over to the light of the window and stood right underneath and looked up to the sky to meet the most brilliant star in the sky, the second star to the right. He then wished with all his might and then finally spoke the words he had always kept close to him all his life, "I Believe."

He waited and waited hoping for something for anything to happen, but there was nothing at all just the twinkle of stars from above him. He let out a sigh seeming to have given up when a dark figure flew from the window and towered above Peter, his bright eyes shining. Without another word the figure charged at Peter, and flew them up into the sky leaving the cell, the dungeon, the castle, the town, and soon the Enchanted Forest itself behind. Peter could not have even imagined a view even close to this one, and thought if I have to die and all this was a dream it would all be worth it from just seeing this, real or not. The figure soon dropped Peter on a island that seemed all to familiar. "Neverland." He whispered turning around to make sure none of this was a dreaming, but it couldn't be. Not with the wind blowing in his hair, the waves washing upon his feet, and the sand sinking down into the ground where he stood. No this was all to real. "Why did you bring me here, I was sentenced to die by Queen Cora?" Peter asked the figure that now on second glance seemed more shadow like. He didn't know if the Shadow could answer him knowing he was just a Shadow, but when it did speak he shouldn't have been surprised with it being able to fly as well.

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