Thank You!!

4.4K 84 5

Hey guys so I think it was yesterday or the day before I don't remember, but I checked to see if I had any comments or votes for this story, and I see I have 1.2K read, and 106 votes. Guys that's amazing I don't know how I can thank you enough. When I first started writing this story I didn't think I would get ten read or even one vote in a year. This may not seem like many reads or votes to some, but to mean I feel like I won the lottery or something. I'm not lying when I say this, but you guys who are voting, commenting, and even taking a minute out of your days to read my story are the reason I write. You guys are the reason I even think about my future. Because this is what I want to do. I want to write, and I want to make others laugh, smile, and just get away from there messed up lives if thats the case. I don't know if you've read my bio, but on it it says I'm not asking for millions of readers to read my stories because I don't want millions. I just want a few believers who want to read my stories to just go to another world and enjoy it, and guys your my believers. You are the one's who make myself a believer. So I just wanted to say that so thanks and everything and keep it up.

Also please help with the twenty questions I have not got many. Maybe four so you get me those twenty everyone get a sneak peak into Peter Pans past. Alright thanks guys. Love you bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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