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Elena POV:

I had never been in this part of the forest before, and honestly I was a little nervous. Not beyond any means did I trust Pan yet so I wasn't so sure that they weren't leading me to my death, and from my past experience's with Pan would it surprise me one bit if they were. Seth and his friends Colin, Joey, and Nat walked with me talking a mile a minute while I tried to keep up, and get to know more about them. "Boys come here!" Jasper called to the four young boys while they went off to go look at something while I walked in the back of the crowd now all by myself. While I was walking I wandered into my own head thinking about my family back home, and what they were doing right now, and if they missed me at all. I hadn't been watching where I was going until I heard someone yelling at me.

"Hey, hey don't move!" The boy said running over to me while I stopped completely frozen not sure what was going on. The boy wore think gloves on his hands and when I turned to look on my right where he was staring I saw my sleeve had gotten caught on some thorns that were dripping with black substance. He came closer picking up the thorns that were about to embed themselves into my skin delicately then moving them away just quick. Before turning to look at me with intense eyes. "Did you get pricked what so ever even if it seems like nothing at all, did you get pricked?" He said panicking though I couldn't understand exactly why.

"No, why?" I asked curious holding my arm now paranoid.

"Because those thorns hold a deadly poison and with one wrong prick of the finger you could end up dead." He said sternly while I stepped back a bit completely shocked.

"Wait is that DreamShade?!" I asked him as he nodded. That was the black coating that Peter had put on the end of the arrow when I had to shoot at poor little Seth, it was also the black liquid in the bottle I stole before I left camp not to long ago, and that was also a poison that was talked about in the story about Pan. I guess I just wasn't paying enough attention to see it. That was a close one thank goodness the boy was paying attention. "What's your name boy?" I asked him not knowing my rescuers name.

"Names Drew." He said sticking his hand out for me to shake which I took happily.

"I'm Elena." I said smiling at him while he gave me a small one back.

"So I saw you talking to my brother Joey, I hope he wasn't causing you to much trouble." Drew spoke as we continued to walk together behind the rest of the group. I looked up at Drew to see he had the same light brown hair as Joey though instead of the little curls Joey had Drew had slicked back straight hair, and they both had very light eyes but Drew's were grey instead of blue. I don't know how I didn't see the resemblance before, but now seeing it it was as clear as day.

"No he was lovely, I wish he would talk more." I told him as Drew looked down ashamed while I stopped walking as did he to look at me. "What happened? Is something wrong with Joey?" I asked him while he again looked at the ground.

"We're Lost Boys for a reason Elena." He said then began walking again, but I grabbed his arm bringing him back to look at me once again. I wanted to learn from these Lost Boys, learn each and everyone of their stories, and I wanted to help them through them.

"Please tell me what happened Drew. Maybe I could help." I pleaded him hoping more then anything to learn about Joey and Drew's story before Neverland, and what got them here in the first place. Neverland was the place of the Lost it even said so in the book, so it must be true. But then if Neverland was for the Lost, then was I Lost too? I wasn't to sure if I wanted to hear the answer, but something told me just like the Lost Boys, I had a story that may have had two loving parents, but either way something they did make me Lost just like the rest. I knew exactly what they did. They took part of me away from myself before I even had the nerve to tell them no. So I suppose I already knew my story, so it was their turn. "Please Drew." I begged again till he sighed and nodded his head, and we began to walk again though a little slower then the rest so we could talk without being overheard by the others.

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