Shadows Ring

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Elena POV:

"So that's how I got here." I said as I played with my thumbs waiting for a reaction to my story. I had predicted, and figured out many things sense I got to Neverland, but if it was one thing I didn't know here was what reaction I was going to get when it came to certain people. I wasn't sure how my native friends would take this news. How I was kidnapped by Pan's shadow against my will, and never wanted to be here in the first place, and how all I was trying to do now was get home to my family who was probably going out of their mind. I was about to speak up, and try to explain myself and this situation a little more, but before I could I was tackled into a hug. I looked up to see Lily's beaded hair, and decided to just hug her back.

"I'm so sorry El that's terrible I... I can't even imagine how your feeling right now. I couldn't imagine what would going through my mind if I was taken away from my people, I would probably go out of my mind to say the least." She chuckled pulling away from the hug looking at the people in the room. The closest people in her life. She had the people she couldn't live without in this very room while mine were in a whole other world, and I didn't even know how to get back to them.

"Tiger Lily is right I can't imagine how your feeling right now, we are awfully sorry Elena dear." Lamara spoke sadly as a single tear cascaded down her tan face.

"I've gotten used to not hearing their voices everyday it still hurts though." I said clothing my chest that held a broken beating heart, but nobody would ever truly know that. I wouldn't let them find out, I couldn't.

"If there's anything we can do for you just let us know." Kekata said while my mind raced with what the one thing I wanted in that very moment.

"Actually there is something." I said as all eyes turned back to me while I took a deep breath. "When I first got here you talked about the Pixies, and how they helped you put the glimmer on your village so Pan, and his boy's couldn't run into accidentally. I'm not foolish I know all magic comes with a price, so I know you had to pay for one. So I guess what I'm asking here is what was your price?" I asked as all of the faces in the room turned toward the floor sadness clear on there face. "Please tell me." I pleaded needing to know the price I needed to know what I was about to get myself into.

"Elena look into your memories, there should be one other in this room." Lily said sadly as I thought going back through all my new memories until something clicked. Lily had a twin brother.

"Loki?" I whimpered.

"Yes Loki. We needed help Pan was coming after us time and time again we need some protection otherwise we were all going to die, and Pan would win." Kocoum said venom spat from each word he said making me remember him, and Loki had been best friends when I had visited the tribe when I was younger.

"Twenty six tribe members went to ask the Pixies for their help protecting us from Pan, and his Lost Boys, but none got as far as the Shadows Ring." Lily said speaking sadly as tears streamed down her face as I looked around confused.

"I'm sorry but the Shadows Ring?" I asked.

"All together there are five Rings making up Neverland. The Outer Ring makes up things like the beach, Mermaid Lagoon, Skull Rock, along with the waters and creatures that hide in them. The second Ring is Pan's Ring. His ring consists of him and his malicious Lost Boys mostly, along with some things like wild bore or deer things as such. The third ring is the Wild Ring. Our ring. It holds all things wild at heart in Neverland living peacefully for the most part, and only taking what you need from the Ring. The fourth Ring is the most dangerous Ring out of them all eve Pan's. The Shadows Ring. It is said to be as dark as night, but unlike the night where you have the moon, and stars to guide you there is nothing. Pan's shadow lives there along with all it's victims waiting for there next kill. That's where we lost twenty six of our tribe members. That was before Loki decided to go himself, and before we even had a chance to stop him we was gone. Though unlike the twenty six he survived the Shadows Ring." Kekata said smiling sadly thinking about his son which I still didn't understand the reason for crying over. He survived the Shadows Ring, but that didn't explain why we wasn't here.

"He made it to the Pixie Ring or as some call it Pixie Hollow. He talked with the Queen, and she promised protection for our tribe. Though unlike Fairies who are kind hearted, and do things out of the kindest of their hearts Pixies want something in return for their help. Nobody had traveled into their land for many years without passing in the Shadows Ring. They were impressed with Loki, and promised their help if he traded his arrows for wings." Lamara cried as Kekata soothed his wife. I felt bad for reliving the memories for them, but I needed to know what had happened to Loki.

"Arrows for wings?" I pushed further.

"Meaning that he wouldn't being of the tribe anymore that he would become a Pixie. He made the deal with them all to protect the tribe but we haven't seen him sense that day." Lily said as she wiped her tears away trying to act brave for everyone. I looked down at my hands thinking through the plan in my head just as Lily asked about it herself. "Why are you asking about this Elena?"

"Because I'm protected here for one reason, and that's because the glimmer protecting all you, but I have to leave, and plan things out with Pan. If I stay away to long he'll start to expect something, and we'll loose the fight, but I can't leave the camp without Pan finding me unless I'm here. I can't let him know where I am through any of this otherwise we have the chance of him figuring it out. I can't risk it. Plus I think we're going to need more help then just me and your tribe. We need a little extra power. A little extra magic, and the Pixies would be a great asset." I said shrugging in thought as they all looked at me like was insane.

"Are you crazy!" Lily screamed at me her face turning red in anger.

"It's a good plan."

"Yea it's great plan to get yourself killed. Magic always comes with a price Pixie magic is no different, and that's if you even get pass the Shadows Ring. Elena you could die if you do this." Lily defended her statement trying to pull me away from going through with my plan.

"I could die if I don't do this. We all could. It worth the chance." I said hoping to persuade them myself, but they all looked like they were biting back from saying something really regretful.

"Your crazy you'll die then we got our people hopes up for nothing. You got your memories back for nothing!" Lily said as the others nodded agreeing with her while I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but I feel it's worth the chance. I wasn't asking for your permission because I'm going through with it either way, and nobody is going to stop me." I said standing up and walking out. My mind was set I was going to the Shadows Ring, and I was going to survive.

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