No Good Left

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Elena POV:

I could now see the flickering of the flames dancing through the greenery that surrounded Peter's camp. I could make out the voices of Jasper, Drew, Seth, and even little Joey who barley spoke. I could hear them all talking around the fire, and a part of me yearned to be beside them. Sitting and laughing about something funny that'd happened that day. For once in my life I wanted to feel normal. To just feel free, and be myself without worrying about what was going on around me. For once I wanted to be me. Sadly that time wasn't now, and unless I did something about Peter that day may never come. So I took a deep breath and began sneaking my way around camp until I got to the back of the tree which held Peter's tree house. I wanted to see the Lost Boys, but I knew that when I talked to Peter about this it would be best for us to be alone. If things came to the worse I didn't want the boys standing in the middle of it all. They were innocents and didn't deserve and trouble, yet here I was bringing it to them.

Climbing trees had never been a specialty of mine, and trying to maintain complete and utter quietness while doing so was not what I called easy. Unlike the front of the tree which held a latter making it easy to get the tree house, the back of the tree was just that, tree. I had lost my holding multiple times, and I was beginning to think I was pushing my luck. Who knew how much longer the boys would be distracted for. I had to get up to the tree house before it was to late. I still had a time limit I had to run with. Because if I wasn't back by nightfall Clarion would give the all clear to start this war, but if I got back by nightfall with good news there would be no war. This was the one thought that was driving me to continue on. That there was still a possibility I could stop all this and save Peter without bloodshed having to be involved. There was still a chance we could have out happily ever after. I knew happily ever afters weren't real, but I wanted something as close as I could get to it, but I knew I wasn't the only one with that wish. I mean who didn't want to be with there true love or what was ever closest enough to that forever. I knew Peter was no prince charming. Not even close, but there was still something about him that made me want him more then I could even want someone like Jack.

After what felt like ages I had made it to the edge of the tree house. I looked down double checking to make sure no one was watching and swung myself over the ledge and onto the porch like area. Standing up, carful not to make any sudden noises or moves I made my way to the door and pulled it open before quickly sneaking in. I looked around the room noticing nothing had changed sense I had last been in here. Peter's book was still on the side of room where I'd thrown it after reading about Clarissa. I quickly made my way over to the book picking it up and looking at the spinal covering with its golden cursive words scribbled onto it. Pan. This was his story. This is what had changed him to become the person he was today, and it broke my heart what he'd been through, but also what Clare had been through before she died because of the darkness. "I'm so sorry Clare." I said softly, setting the book on a nearby table, and just as I was doing so the door swung open and in walked Peter.

"Peter?" I called making him look up sense he hadn't noticed me when he first walked in. His head flew up, his stunning green eyes meeting my gray ones. He ran up to me enveloping me a hug as he spun me around a large smile plastered onto his face.

"Oh thank god your okay. I was so worried." He said putting me down while smiling at me as I did my best to smile back but I knew it wasn't believable I couldn't make it so. "What happened El, where did you go?" He asked leading me to the couch to sit down while I looked down at my hands laid on my lap. This was it. This was when I was going to tell him everything. This was what was going to change everything.

"I went to the Pixie Ring Peter." I said meeting his eyes as I tried to hold back the tears as he looked at me in shock.

"What, why?" He asked, his face stricken with confusion.

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