Answers getting me into Trouble

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Elena POV:

As I walked to the Library seeing many of the other fairy tale characters around the town smiling and talking with one another. Like nothing bad could ever happen to them and destroy there Happily Ever Afters. I wished I could act like them. Act so carefree, and not have to worry about anything coming out of the darkness, and destroying everything. Why couldn't me and my family just get a break from the evil that came from being in a fairytale. Though when you see the word 'Fairytale' you always seem to think of it as something happy with a Once Upon a Time at the beginning and and Happily Ever After at the end. I for one didn't see it that way. I saw it as something dark and evil because there were villains, and darkness running through the pages of every story, and villains didn't always loose thanks to the hero's like my family that you would think to stop them. It wasn't always that easy. All because of magic, magic always changed the tables for everyone, and it definitely wasn't always for the best on our side.

I know I had said in the past, how nobody would ever come for me cause there was nothing special worth coming for. Well with now getting  all these memories back I now knew that wasn't the case. Villains including the boy and his shadow had come for me before, but my family had taken away those memories of such things. Though I still didn't know why anyone would take the time to come for me. And I couldn't help but wonder why, why my parents, my own family, why would they take away my memories. The memories that would have maybe made me feel less of a stranger to my family, to the world around me. But sadly there was no answers I would get out of them and I knew it. That's why the library was the best place to go. My father along with Bell my great grandmother worked there, but my father had his office for being the writer and all up in the clock tower. I knew there could be some answers in his books. I just had to find the right one which was I suppose the hard part. With these thoughts in my mind I hadn't even noticed someone walking along with me until they bumped there hip with mine. I turned around to see a smiling Hera looking down at me. "Good morning Elena." She sang happily. Sometimes I really did wish I could hate Hera, for taking my best friend away from me, but then I remember how freaking nice she was, and you just can't possibly hate her, and feel okay with your self afterwards. Though I knew there shouldn't be any hatred toward her from me because she didn't really do anything wrong. She fell in love with someone I counted as a brother my whole life, and he also fell in love with her. There was nothing wrong with it. They fell in love. The kind of love where you only see the other person and nothing else. Others could only dream of that kind of love that kind of feeling that makes you get up in the morning. They had found that, and I was happy for them because of it. Even though, ever sense I have felt more alone then ever before. I knew I had to move on though so that's what I would do.

"Morning Hera." I said as kindly as I could. Though all I really wanted to do was be by myself so I could think all this through. I really did need to figure out these new memories that I still haven't gotten through.

"So Tristan told me you two were going to hang out tomorrow, and I think thats wonderful idea, truly I do. You two haven't talked in so long, and I just think that's a great idea to have some bonding time with one another. I know his looking forward to it." She said speaking fondly of us while I sadly wanted to choke the life out of her. Why did she have to be so kind hearted so I could just tell her to get lost so I could think all this crap through.

"I'm really sorry Hera, but I really have to go, but I'll talk to you later. Have a nice day with Tristan." I said running off to the Library leaving her standing there completely stunned. I didn't mean to seem cruel toward her, but I really did have other places to be besides talking about Hera and Tristan's love life. I knew enough that could last a life time. I quickly made my way to the Library kneeling down and pealing the welcome mat from the ground and smiling as I grabbed the key. I looked around before slipping the key into the lock, and opening up the wooden door to come face to face with many books.

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