The sky.

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You sat in the cell, tired, and covered in burn patches. It was hell, that man in the skull mask was always there when they interrogated you. He would always be the one to inflict the pain, always the one who treated them after.

You looked out the small window, very little of the pale blue sky could be seen through it. You missed the feeling of the sun on your skin, making you feel so warm and happy. The way clouds would block out the sun's rays but they would find their way back out again. The way wind blew through your hair and gave you goosebumps when it was too cold.

All of the basic life things you used to enjoy before becoming a hostage to these men. You would give them all the information they needed if you could just be out in the world happy again, wishing you never joined the terrorist group. You regretted it all at this point, your freedoms stripped away and leaving you like a caged animal.

The days that passed were always so depressing, pain-filled, and sorrowful. The only part you looked forward to was that man. How he touched you so gently, wrapped your wounds so carefully, like you would break in his hands if he was too harsh. He was like a whole different man when he was treating you, so much different than when he would be the one giving you those wounds.




"We don't need you anymore, we found out where your little group is." A man who you remembered one of them calling 'Price' said. It was so confusing, what was going on? Were they going to kill you, keep you, or let you go? You knew it surely wasn't the last one, you were too dangerous to let go. "You have two choices. Join us or your life ends now." Price stated, his arms crossed across his chest, a pistol in his left hand. 3 other men behind him, guns grasped tightly. "What-" You stared at him, not knowing what to do, your heart told you to join them. They might give you the freedom you so desperately yearned for. To run through the open fields of your hometown once more. "I'll join you...As long as I get to go outside." You sat up on the bed, trying to make the restraints feel a bit better.




You ran through the field, the soft grass on your bare feet making you so happy. It had been a hard mission, gaining the group's trust and getting out of having your feet chained together so you couldn't run. You still had to wear a shock collar and limited distance between you and whoever had the remote. You didn't care, it was still more freedom than you had before.

Your joyful laughs and squeals could be heard all the way back to the house, the ranch was just like what you wanted when you were younger, the dream of having so much open land to run around and play. You skipped through the field, picking all the dandelions and making them into a flower crown. Prancing around with the bright yellow crown on your head, your joy shining like a fallen star.

You spent so much time running around and picking flowers, you were just too happy to be able to run without restraints. "(Y/N). Let's go back" You looked towards the masked man, your hands all dirty, still holding the flowers. "Awh..." You frown, running back to his side when he begins walking back to the house in the distance. "Ghost? I made you this" You held up the flower crown, little purple flowers mixed in with the dandelions. "Thanks. Kid" He took the crown and kept walking. "You're welcome!" you beamed back, little skips in your steps as you made it back into the house. You placed the rest of the flowers on the kitchen table, you'd find a vase for them later but for now, you needed to wash your feet so you didn't track any more dirt and mud around the house than you already had.




You sat in your corner of the room, eating the sandwich Price had made you, you had always been closest to Price. He just reminded you of your dad, how he always pushed you to your very best. Comforted you while you cried and overall did everything a father would do.

"Oh my god, they all dropped like flies!" Soap laughed, slapping Ghost's shoulder as they both watched the T.V. Everyone seemed to be having such a good time, there wasn't much to do this week so the ranch was just a little getaway for the team before the next mission. "We get it Soap." Simon groaned, looking at the man next to him who was still laughing.




You sat in that bathroom for hours, trying to get the collar off of you. You had snuck screwdrivers, scissors, and a knife out of Price's room. Almost everyone was asleep so you weren't scared you were going to get caught. You carefully slid the knife under the collar, cutting away at the strap that held it together. "Fuck...Please" You whined, trying not to poke your jaw as you kept going. You could feel it starting to give out and finally snap.

It was off.

You giggled and placed it in the trash, happily opening the door to leave but you bumped right into something. Rather, someone.

You looked up to see someone you were too familiar with...Ghost. "Sorry." You stepped back into the bathroom, trying to close the door. You needed to get that collar out of the trash before he noticed it was off. His hand stopped you from closing the door, pushing it back open "Move, I need to piss" He mumbled, you had to think of something on the spot, or else things might get bad again. "Oh...Uhh, you turned around and quickly grabbed the collar out of the trash, hiding it behind your back as you left, making sure it was out of sight the whole time so he couldn't see it.

You quickly made your way into Price's room, shaking him frantically. "Price!" You mumbled and he woke up in a panic, your forearm being gripped tightly. "What- Oh, (Y/N)." He let go of you and sat up, rubbing his eyes "What's going on kiddo?"

"I want to go outside. Please"

You placed the cut collar on his nightstand, rocking back and forth on your feet, hoping he would let you outside. "It's late, why would you want to go outside at this time"

"I'll take you outside." Ghost stated, standing at the doorway and looking at you both. "Alright, go with him. Don't get hurt out there" Price waved you off, laying back down and almost instantly going back to sleep. You smiled and ran off down the halls and to the front door, opening it and putting on your shoes. You didn't even wait for Ghost to catch up before you bolted into the field, the moon and stars lighting your way. You happily skipped through the grass, fully free now, it felt so good knowing nothing was holding you back now. You had your full freedom back, for the first time in years.

You looked back, the man in the skull mask watching you from the porch. Him...He was always there watching, you felt as if he was your silent cheerleader.

You sprinted back to the house, a smile plastered on your face. You embraced him in a tight, bone-crushing hug, your happy giggles filled the night. He didn't seem to be uncomfortable with your actions, just a hand going to pat your back. "Good job getting that collar off, I heard you struggling for a good 30 minutes." he chuckled, gently tapping your bare neck.

"Oh...You knew what I was doing?"

"I always know sweetheart."

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now