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"Not now."

Ghost mumbled, pushing your hand away from his mask, his voice was as monotone as ever in his work place. Even when it was just you and him alone, he wouldn't budge with the mask when there was a potential someone could walk in.

"Just a second, I just want a quick kiss...please Ghost."

You frowned, your hands now resting on his shoulders, you leaned over him from behind his chair. You couldn't tell if he was annoyed with you or not so you'd keep begging till he gave you a hint.


"I'll leave you alone for the rest of the day if you just give me one!"

He slowed his typing at that offer, it would bring him some sanity till he got home. Fuck it, 5 hours without being bothered. What a fucking deal.

"Okay, hurry."

He lifted up the mask, and gave you a quick kiss, just a small peck on the lips. It was a bit disappointing but you knew better than to push further. It would just end in him ignoring you till you left maybe even the next morning. 

"Now please, find the door. I have work to do."

His tone was stern but not the rude kind, just a tone to try and get across how busy he currently was. It did it's job too. You made your way to the door and left, waving goodbye to him before you closed the door. 

Sometimes it was annoying how he wouldn't give into what you wanted, the simple things but boundaries were boundaries and you didn't want to overstep his. You worked too hard to gain his trust to do such a thing. 




Hours had went by and you decided that you would go out with a few friends for dinner, well maybe just your Captain and Soap.  They had invited you out to a small Pho shop, a small family run diner. To say it was good was an understatement, it was going back for seconds kind of good. 

"How did you two find this place?"

You smiled, covering your mouth as you chewed the soft rice noodles. The broth was the best part, it brought the whole thing together. 

"Laswell brought us here before you were put in this task force. Kind of a special occasion kind of place for us. "

Price said, nudging Soaps arm to get him to acknowledge your question. 

"Yeah, I remember when Ghost got the spiciest one. Man sat there and didn't eat anything after he tried it. "

Soap chuckled, a dumb smile on his face as he rolled another spring roll.

"I can believe that one."

You couldn't keep yourself from smiling back at Soap, his expression was just too dumb. 




You laid in the back seats, your hands reaching towards the roof of the car. Price was driving both of you home, you were so damn tired after that meal. There was a lot of conversation going on between the two men in the front of the car but you, you didn't feel like talking. It was too much energy. 

"(Y/N), get up sleepyhead!"

Soap reached back and poked your side, making you jolt and sit up. 

"Damn, asshole."

You laughed, swatting his hand away from you. 

"Calm down, this is your stop."

He smiled, pointing to your house on the right. You didn't even notice that this was your stop before he pointed it out. 

"My bad, thank you Price. See you both at work next week."

You got out of the car, waving goodbye while you walked to your front door. Price stayed parked there till you got into your house safely. A habit of his you appreciated very much. 




"Home so soon?"

You heard from the living room as soon as the front door was locked again. You were startled by the sudden voice, you didn't expect him to great you. 

"Yeah, what up?"

You said happily, walking over to where he was seated on the couch. You were a bit shocked to see him relaxed, not in any of his work clothing, just sweats and a t shirt. Clean.

He was Simon. 

"Where were you?"

His voice wasn't mad or anything, just dull. 

"I was with Soap and Price, why?"

He sat there silent for a few seconds before his hands went to your waist, pulling you down and onto the couch beside him. Letting go of you after you were seated beside him. The TV was quiet, some random romance movie playing on the screen. 

It was quiet for quite some time. You didn't know what to even say to him because you didn't know how he was feeling about what you said. 

There was a sudden break in the silence.

"I was just worried, you didn't leave a note or text me about where you were going."

He said quietly, not even taking a second to look at you. 

He was right, you didn't leave a note. You had totally forgotten to do that, they had invited you so suddenly that it just slipped from your mind. You always informed him of where you were going especially at night. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to do that, they invited me to dinner like last second and it just slipped from my mind."

You said sincerely. 

He nodded, continuing to watch the movie in silence. 




"I missed you..."

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now