Hunt or be Hunted

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You ran for what felt like miles. The other pair of boots hitting the forest floor still never faded. You knew this wasn't going to go very well if you slowed down, that stabbing pain in your side so prominent. There was no way you could call for backup, that thing you saw while walking back to the safe house, would catch you if you used that air for anything other than keeping you moving.

You would catch a glimpse of a white skull staring right at you as if taunting your fate if it ever got close enough.

You needed to lose this thing.

And fast.

You used the last of your energy to make the rest of the run into the large bushes, fighting your way through the plants. It gave you cover and enough time to get to a good hiding spot, between a rock and the plants. Your camo works wonders for you, covering your face with your arms just in case. Your breathing was labored and sharp, you needed to get it under control before it gave away your location.

1:44 pm

2:33 pm

5:26 pm.

Time was a blur to you, the sun setting and giving the forest that eerie darkness. You still sat in the same spot, too scared to even move or radio for help.

What even was that thing, it surely couldn't be human, it had too much stamina.

"(Y/N) come in. What's your location?"

Your commander's voice blared through your radio, your hand quickly turning it off. Your heart racing in your heart. You listened closely for any movement around you.


You let out a sigh and turned it back on

"I don't know, I was chased off south of the safe house. Something out here, all I saw was a white skull. I don't know its location at the moment."

You whispered into the radio, hoping they would send out a search team for you.

"Copy. We're coming."

You felt some sort of relief wash over you when they said that, maybe you'd make it out of this one alive.

"Such a shame they won't find you."

A hand gripped your ankle and pulled you out of your hiding spot, your struggles and screams did nothing to stop you from being dragged out and into a more open area. Your clothing ripped from the thorns. You looked up at who had dragged you...That same mask you saw. You were fucked, so very fucked.

"You are one hopeful motherfucker making that call."

He flipped his hunting knife in his hand, his boot coming down hard on your chest to keep you pinned on the ground. He searched you for any weapons and every single one he found he threw to the side. Leaving you feeling so helpless against the giant man above you.

"Listen here. I'm taking you hostage. Comply and I won't have to bleed you out like a dear."

His knife was so close to your throat that you could just feel it cutting the air between you and the blade.

"Hostage? You really think you'll get anything out of me."

You laughed but it was quickly silenced by more pressure against your ribcage, you were sure he would break your bones if any more pressure was applied.

"We'll see about that one, (Y/N)"

He released some pressure from your chest, letting you take in more oxygen before he waved his hand in front of your face.

"Look up here."

He snickered, snapping his gloved hands. You looked up at him in confusion but you would soon wish you didn't.

He quickly kicked you black-out cold, hoisting your limp body over his shoulder and making his way out of the forest.

"Dumb ass. Fell for it." 

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now