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"(Y/N)! Keep your head up!"

Ghost called over the intercom, you were about a floor below him when he heard your call out for medical. His feet hit the ground quickly, all that he could think of was getting to you before anything more happened.

Two ear ringing gunshots rang throughout the hallways, was he too late....again?

The door just seemed to keep getting farther and farther away, no matter how hard he ran it just felt like he was going nowhere.





Ghost woke up drenched in sweat; it was as if he had just been on a 6 mile run. He sat up and looked to your side of the bed. His nerves are soothed by the sight of your sleeping body.

"Thank god."

He mumbled as he leaned down and slowly pulled you into his lap, careful to not wake you in the process. He just needed to hold you till he fell back to sleep, the same flashback to that day in that building. It haunted him even though it was years ago, your near death experience seemingly being more traumatizing to him then it was to you.

He wrapped his arms around your body, holding you close to him as silent sobs left his throat. Tears streaming down his face, it was way easier for him to show emotion when he knew no one would see him like this.

"I hate you..for doing that to me, making me see you on the verge of death that day."

He sobbed out, tears dripping onto your shoulder. The warm tears soaking into your soft skin, the sensation making you stir in your sleep but you didn't wake.

"You're quitting...I'm having Price discharge you. I can't stand the thought of you being like that ever again."

He muttered, laying back down on the bed and holding you on top of him. Arms still holding you close to his warm body.




"What? Price, why are you doing this to me? I didn't do anything to be discharged, I didn't break any rules that I can remember!"

You snapped, the papers in your hand crumbling where you were holding them.

"You didn't do anything wrong, I just need to let you go. No hard feelings sweetheart. You can always visit us"

Price bowed his hat and turned away from you. He seemed to be holding something back from you but at this point you were too heartbroken to even poke at him for any more answers. You crumbled the papers in your hands and walked out of the building. You didn't want to care anymore.

That was your life, your job and family ever since you were 18.

All down the drain without a notice.





"You did what?"

You snapped, pushing Simon away from you.

"I know you'd react like this, it's why I got you discharged."

You Flipped him off and stormed off into your room, pulling out a suitcase from your closet and stuffing a bunch of your clothing into it.

"Simon, that was my life. Everything I worked for and you got me discharged like it was nothing! All because of your little fear I would die? I knew the risk, that's why I stayed there for so fucking long!"

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now