Hold yourself over.

663 13 1

[Fingering, thigh riding, cock warming?]

"Stay still, I'm almost done"

You leaned forward a bit, trying to circle your hips a bit to get some sort of stimulation.

His dick was buried deep inside of you, you were just keeping him warm while he worked. God was it hard to not move your hips.

"Simon...how much longer?"

You groaned, resting your head on the desk, his arms on either side of you as he typed away, you watched his screen. None of it was interesting, why wouldn't he just stop and give you what you both wanted.

"You're so needy. If you want to cum so badly, do it."

One of his hands went to your hip, guiding you off of him and onto his thigh. You straddled his bare thigh, his warm skin felt so good against your clit.

He glanced at you, nodding quickly. His hand never left your hip.

"damnit Simon."

You mumbled, bracing yourself against him. You gripped onto his bicep, using that as leverage so you could move your hips back and forth, just rubbing your clit on his thigh.

After you got into a steady pace he let go of you, both hands back on the keyboard. Your pants and whimpers filled your office room, your grip on his bicep didn't let up.

You rested your head on his shoulder, whimpering as your clit got more and more sensitive, your orgasm getting closer and closer at every move of your hips.

He leaned back into his chair, holding your head against him.

"Keep going, you're doing such a good job, darling."

You don't know how tight you were holding onto him anymore, your legs clamping down on his, your orgasm hitting you like a truck.

"See, that's what I'm talking about. So obedient. Get on the desk."

You took a moment to collect yourself, following his orders and getting up onto the desk. He pushed his laptop to the side, his hand moving your legs apart.

He swiped two of his fingers from your soaking core to your sensitive clit. Looking down at his soaked fingers.

"Really? You're so wet, I didn't even do anything to you."

He mumbled, his fingers pushed into you, no waring at all. You clenched around his fingers, your head tilting back a bit.

"Just you...you did this!"

You moaned out, his fingers slowly moving in and out, he was trying to play with you. Not curving into any of your good spots, torture.

He nodded at your response, typing on his laptop with his other hand. His thumb gently pressed on your clit, his other two fingers were still inside of you, not enough to get your going.

"Simon...please, focus on me."

You begged, bucking your hips up to meet his thumb. He side eyed you, arching his fingers into your g spot. He looked back at his screen, typing and aggressively rubbing your sweet spot.

You arched your back, closing your thighs on his arm, but this didn't stop the overwhelming pleasure. Instead he pushed in a third finger, speeding your hole open even more.

"That better?"

He muttered, digging into your most sensitive spots. Your whines and whimpers filled the room, your thighs starting to shake slightly.


You choked on your words, his thumb working your clit as well. You could barely breath, the pleasure too much for you to take.

You could feel that knot in your stomach start to get tighter, tears in your eyes.

"Simon, oh my god."

You cried out, gripping onto his forearm. You tried to pull his hand away before you could cum but he kept his hand there, forcing the orgasm out of you.

Your nails dug so deep into his forearm that it drew blood. Your thighs spasmed, your hands moving to them to try and stop it.

"Are you able to hold over till I'm done with my work?"





"Then get back over here and keep me warm."

(I feel like he would be into cock warming. Honestly I would be his sleeve any day 💀💀)

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now