*Hangover...they suck.

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You stumbled to the car, holding onto Soap as he stuffed you into the back seat. You were so lost in your mind. All of that alcohol was really taking a toll on you.

"I'll take her home, I'll come back right after. She can't stay here any longer, unless y'all want her to do something stupid."

You didn't care what he was saying, all you knew at the moment was the car seat was soft and you wanted to sleep.

You curled up in the back seats, struggling to take off the seatbelt Soap had put on you before you finally got to sleep comfortably.




You opened your eyes, the sunlight from your open window making your headache even more blinding. You shifted in bed, reaching into your nightstand for your bottle of Aspirin. You yanked the top off and took it dry, not wanting to get up and get a glass of water.

"Quit moving. You're being an ass."

You sighed and looked to your right, of course he was in your bed. Nights like these he would always end up curled next to you. Of course, with the same effects the alcohol had taken on you, it had taken on him too.

"Want some? I'm guessing you have a hangover too."

His eyes opened a bit more, looking at the bottle in your hand. He snatched the bottle from you, grabbing what he needed before he gave it back to you.

"Get me water."

He choked out, sitting up right. You groaned and pulled the covers over your head, not wanting to get out of bed just yet.

He shoved you with his knee, forcing you towards the edge of the bed.


You mumbled, hauling yourself out of bed and into the bathroom to get him a glass of water, you chugged down a few cups before going back to him with it.


He looked away from you, popping the pills into his mouth and washing them down with water.


He turned his head towards you, like he couldn't believe what you had just said.


You crawled over him and back into your spot, laying down and kicking the covers.

"You're a fuckin' pussy. Can't take pills dry."

He rolled his eyes at you, his headache was already too much at the moment. He didn't want to have to deal with you along with it.





Your headaches were starting to loosen it's grip on the both of you, maybe it was just the medicine kicking in and it would come back harder later but you both were glad for the slight relief.

Simon looked down at you, he hadn't laid back down. Just staring at the very nicely decorated walls of yours.

He placed his hand on your shoulder, leaning down to your level to place a kiss on your cheek. You were semi asleep, just humming at his gesture.

His kisses trailed down from your cheek to your neck and to your shoulders. Just soft loving kisses, like you were fragile glass.
His arm wrapped around you, tugging you closer to him.


You mumbled, you were a bit pissed he was waking you from your sleep but maybe this would make up for it.

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now