By the hip.

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You sat on the edge of your bed, pulling on his much bigger t-shirt over your body. It was like a dress, covering just down to your thighs. You loved the afterglow, body still hot from the excerpt of energy from one another, but there was always that little nagging voice in the back of your mind that kept you from wanting to get closer to him.

You knew he loved you, just he never said the words to confirm it. You've been saying those words to him, while you two were in the heat of it, on missions when you two were alone, in the halls when you two stopped to speak to each other.

"Don't leave...Please?"

You turned to look at the bigger man, something in his blue eyes cried sorrow. As if trying to get you to come close enough to drag you into those crystal eyes of his. Drown you in that blue ocean behind his eyes. He didn't move from where he was, just pleading with you with his eyes, glossing over and making them shine even more in the dimly lit room of his.

You didn't know what to say to him, some part of you wanted to stay and make him truly yours, make him a part of you. Keep him by your side somehow, so he could never leave you, but there was something in you that wanted to leave. Telling you that this was a trap, getting too close to him would lead you to death, mental or physical. One seems better than the other.

"Simon...I don't know."

You mumbled, getting off the bed and gathering your clothing. Pulling your shorts on and over your hips, the fabric soft against your bruised thighs. You pulled on your shoes, fixing your hair in his bathroom mirror, your hand grazing the bruises that littered your collarbone, they would turn a darker shade of purple and read in a few hours. Heal in a matter of days.

You could hear a sigh from the man in bed, maybe even a whimper, the pain of you not being with him in such a vulnerable point was taking a toll on him, but you. It was hitting you too, you were internally questioning the things he said while you two were drowned by endorphins.

"Sweetie...don't leave me"

You let your hair down, leaving it be for now.

You walked back out into the main portion of his bedroom, he was sitting up in bed. His bare body was one you never got tired of seeing. Especially when it was littered in marks you were able to leave on him. His hands ran over the bruises your mouth left on his shoulders and neck. A pained look in his eyes, as if you had just broken his heart, which you most likely did.

"I said, I don't know."

You walked to his door, opening it and leaving his room. There was a rustling in his room but you didn't look back. Heading down the halls to your own room, you just wanted to go to sleep and not think of the possibilities of what you two could be.

You weren't able to close your door before it was stopped by someone else. You turned to look at what had stopped the door, your face meeting that masked one. The one you just saw laying on his nightstand.


You mumbled, staying in front of your doorway, your emotions were all over the place right now and one wrong move could pull you into a spiral.

"Come back...why do you always leave?"

He was keeping his voice low as to not wake anyone. He looked like he was some what sad, it hurt you to see such a brave and solid man crack a bit because of you.


You mumbled, looking away from him and at the floor. You really didn't know why you felt like you had to leave. Maybe it was because you felt like he didn't want you to stay there with him after everything was done.

"Luv, can you just stay for the night. I won't ask again...I just need you there."

He stepped back, waiting for you to make a decision.

You picked at your nails, just thinking about what he could possibly mean by that, anything hidden between the words. Did he just want you to stay the night with him so he could get more of what he wanted? Just to make you feel good about yourself so you would keep swooning over him.


You muttered, locking your door and going back to his room. The walk back was cold but not uncomfortable.

You climbed into his bed once more, snuggling up into the sheets and pillows. Everything smelled like him, so absolutely loved his scent. Some sort of woody whiskey.

The bed shifted next to you, an arm hooking around your waist to pull you closer to him. 

"I care about you..I don't want you to that."

He mumbled into your skin, his face stuffed into the crook of your neck. His words warm on your skin.


You spoke, more to yourself rather then him. You didn't know what to think about his words, you never thought he could care about anyone. Too shut out to even think of someone else.

"I never thought I would say this to someone but...I love you. So much,more then I can even comprehend."

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now