Quiet, calm?

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He started up at the ceiling, counting all the cracks in the wood above. He tried and tried to get his mind off of the fact he, out of all people was now a prisoner.



The clatter of metal keys caught his attention, his eyes darting to the door of his cell. For fucks sake, what could they want.

The door cracked open just a bit, a very pale face woman poked her head though the doorway. She looked to be civilian, her black eyeliner making her eye look sharp and almost felian. The woman stepped into the room, getting closer to him. She didn't look that threatening nor did she look to be military. Was she one of him?

"Simon Riley?"

She stood in front of him, another person walked in and stood with her. They both turned away and whispered to each other, too low for even this ghost to hear. How did they know his last name...Who else did they have, what else did they have?

"(Y/N), get me my clipboard, and anything you think will help get answers."

The soldier nodded, walking out of the room, shutting the door behind them.

She crossed her arms over her chest, just watching the door, her brown eyes so dark they almost looked black. What was she even thinking, what could be going on behind those captivating eyes?

"Staring much? Quit it."

The door opened once more, that same person handing the woman a clipboard. They also held a propane torch. His eyes closed for a second too long, a hand grabbing at his blond hair and yanking it upward.

"You're not here to sleep, keep your eyes open."

He glared right into their soul, when (Y/N) looked into his eyes they could see the bottomless pit beyond those blue eyes of his.

"Suck it up."

"Alright you two! Don't get any ideas, no playing around."

Once the woman said that, (Y/N) let go of his hair. Stepping away from him.

"Ghost...I think that's what you prefer to be called. What kind of name is that..."

"Coming from someone who's name is literally an item."

"I heard that, (Y/N). And I think Dart has a very nice tone to it."

She cleared her throat, looking back at the man who was still tied up to that metal chair.

"Ghost, I have called for you here because I want to offer you something. Maybe you would like what I have.?"




"A quiet life, far from all of this fighting. Peace, you wouldn't have to work...unless you want to. I can strip you of your current life, let you start over. You wouldn't ever have to step foot into battle ever again. No violence..ever again. All you have to do is...give me the missiles, send them to me, and you'll have that life. You have my word."

He sat there, staring straight though them. That life sounded so nice...something he always dreamed of, he never really liked the life he lived. He didn't enjoy making other people suffer but it was all he knew currently. God this woman was telling him such wonders, a fairy tail though her lips.




"How can I trust you?

"I can show you everything, where you would live, and I have people that you can ask. I have done these kinds of offers before."




"How long do I have?"

"As long as you need. I have no time limit."




"If you speak of this to anyone just know.

They won't believe you, because I never existed. No one knows who I am...You have no evidence

I have eyes and ears everywhere.

On everyone you love, or think you love. I know how you are Simon, I watch.

Think about this.

Just think before you act on anything...especially if it's something that gets you emotional.

Ya know, men?

But over all, you'll be doing a good thing if you get me those missiles. "

"Don't speak to me like I'm some sort of dumbass."

"Then don't be one."

She walked behind him, grabbing a bottle off of a metal table, taking off her shirt and drenching the soft fabric in the clear liquid. She walked back over to him but stayed behind him, her hand gently resting on his shoulder, he could smell the sweet scent from the shirt.

"Hush now, I'll bring you back home."

She leaned down, her face right beside his as she gently placed the soaked park of her shirt over his airways.

"Deep breaths for me now..."




"Such an obedient man, never met one that didn't try and fight it."

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now