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"Can you go into my room and get the blue file off of my desk."

You pointed out of your office and motioned in the direction where your room was.

"Sure, toss the keys."

Ghost muttered, walking towards the door and catching the keys you threw at him with one hand. The door shut quite loudly when he left your office, his boots echoing through the hallway as he stepped.

Your eyes went back to your computer screen, entering the information that you didn't need the file for.




He picked through the keys in his hand, trying each one till one of them finally opened the door. (Y/N)'s room was exactly like everyone else, bland but you had a few things hanging on the walls and a few plants by your window. The small things that gave the room a bit of life.

He stepped into your room and went straight for the desk she had told him held the file they needed. He picked up a few of the folders and opened them, not the one that was needed.

He opened a few other ones and sighed, maybe she had put it away and just forgot. He placed the files down in a neat pile and opened up one of her drawers, more files that were lined up neatly for quick access.

He looked through the files, looking into each one. Maybe he was nosey about what was in them. Even after he had found the file he kept looking through them.

TIll something underneath the soft fabric on the bottom of the drawer caught his keen eye. A tan piece of paper peeking out to him.

"Porn stash."

He scoffed and pulled up the fabric to expose the folder underneath it. He pulled it out from under everything, careful to not mess up any of the neatly placed files above it.

He quickly put everything back so it looked like he hadn't touched anything he wasn't supposed to. He closed the drawer and made his way out of her room, stopping by his to drop off the file he had practically stolen from (Y/N).




"Alright, i'll send that off to Price in the morning. Good work, i'll see you here tomorrow?"

She stood up and stretched her arms over her head, keys jingling in her hands as she made it to the office door.

"Yeah, I'll be here tomorrow."

Ghost muttered, following after her.

"Great, have a good night Lt."




"Show me!"

Soap sat down on his bed, looking over his shoulder, trying to grab at the file in Ghost's hands .

"Calm down, I'm not taking it anywhere. Before I open this you have to promise not to tell her I took it."

Soap gasped and sat down like he was offended.

"You really think I'm some kind of tattle?"

Ghost sighed and shook his head, flipping the file open and holding it between the both of them.

-(Your full name+last name)-

"Is that actually her first name?"

Soap mumbled, pulling the file closer to him but it was pulled back to the middle by Ghost.

"Shut up and just read."




The two of them read page by page

The utter shock of what was inside made them rethink their friendship with you and how you even got the job.

The information in that file was so sensitive that it was a no brainer you had it hidden.




"We can't let her have any more sensitive jobs...Go get Price. "

Soap stood up and nodded, leaving the room to go through the halls down to Price's room.




"She works for the other side! Sneaky bastard, no wonder she's out late every weekend."

Price slammed the file closed and stood up, walking out of his office. It was about 12am and the sound of his raging footsteps rang through the hallway. All the way to that room where the snake laid asleep. His hand going to the pistol in his waistband.

"Sir, holding her hostage for information could do us some good."

Soap kept his pace a bit slower than Price.

"No need, she has told them too much. Can't keep her here any longer."




The quick shot rang throughout the barracks, but at that point everyone was up and could tell what had happened.

No one would bring it up.

No one.

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now