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"This is Bravo-07. Heading in now, wait for call."

"Copy that, we'll be waiting."




You sat by the doorway, waiting for Ghost to give the command that it was safe to continue.

"Taking him longer than expected."

"Just wait, I haven't heard any gunshots so he's fine."

Soap placed his hand on your shoulder, giving you a bit of comfort.




"Bravo-07 backup needed"

You didn't waste any time with that call, rushing Into the building, gunshots echoing through the concrete building.

"Soap, go left!"

Soap nodded and you both split, a few of your teammates following him and some following you.

There was a click on the comms, fear running through your veins, something was happening, he would usually give updates to you during fights when he was safe.

"Move faster! Price get more backup on the line!"

You snapped into the comms, you motioned for your group to search the rooms and clear them. Your top priority was to find Ghost.




"Bravo-05, head towards the west side of the building. You might want to take a look at this."

"Heading your way"




You turned the corner and walked towards your teammates, looking at the body on the ground, you didn't recognize it just yet.

"What's the problem?"

They all stepped back, his face coming into view. You dropped to his side, his throat was slit open. So clean, like there was no struggle.

" No, Ghost. Hey!"

You lifted his head onto your thigh, holding the wound closed. His face was semi-visable, a few threads holding it together.

"GET A DAMN MEDIC! Stop standing around doing nothing! He's your Lieutenant!"

You pulled the edges of the cut balaclava together, wanting no one to see any more of his face. Even in death you wanted to give him comfort...death that you didn't want to accept.

"Captain, there's no use for a medic."

You looked up at them, your eyes as sharp as razor blades. You moved Ghost's head off of your thigh, standing up and grabbing them by the vest.

"You listen to me, I told you to call a fucking medic! You do as your told!"

You yelled in their face, your knuckles loosing color from how tight you were holding onto them.

"We can't...he's dead."

Your brain blocked out the words they had said, your hand disconnected front the vest.

"Do you not have any respect! He needs a medic!"

"Captain, he's dead. There's no use."

You balled your hand into a fist, punching them right across the face.

After that the both of you were on the ground, your brain wired to go for the throat.

Hands pull you to the ground, an arm around your neck, keeping you in a headlock.

"Get off of me! God damnit,

Simon, help me for once...get up."




"What are you doing, don't just leave him there!

No! No please don't just leave him there!



What kind of monsters are you, take him with us!"




"You'll go back for him, right?"

"We can't, I'm sorry, (Y/N)."

"You can't be fucking serious. You're just leaving my lieutenant out there! Asshole!"

"It's orders."

" fucking ass."

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now