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You grabbed your daughters clothing, just whatever was hanging up and tossed it into a suitcase. You had very little time to get what you needed, that phone call still ringing through your mind.

"Don't do anything stupid, we know who you are."

How could they have found out, your whole company was so secure. Hidden behind so many things but those words that were said scared you to death, they knew now. You knew they were close to you but not this close.

It left you no other choice, you made that phone call. a whole new identity is what you ordered for you and your daughter.

"Go wait by the door, sweetie."

The girl nodded, taking her suitcase and walking to the door. She had very little knowledge of what was going on so she complied with your request. You rushed around the house, pulling out stacks of cash from the places you hid them, Tossing them into a large suitcase, all of it totaled to be around 1 million. All from your drug smuggling business, the one that would now crumble once you left.

You didn't re at the moment, getting yourself and your daughter to safety was all that was on your mind.

After everything was packed, in a matter of minutes you were outside your house, one of your guards picking you both off to the drop zone.

You looked back at your home, a sigh leaving your throat as you saw a black humvee pull quickly into your driveway. You got out just in time, 4 men rushing out of that car and to the front door.

Fist out, that skull faced man. You were so glad you left before he could get there, it would have been a shit show if you were just a few seconds later.

You slouched into the seat, so glad everything went as you hoped.

"Mamma, why isn't daddy coming with us?"

You sighed and turned on your side a bit in the seat, reaching out and pulling her closer to you, she was old enough to understand words.

"He isn't your father anymore...It's just us now, baby."





The door cracked off of it's hinges, hitting the ground with a heavy thud, boots hitting the shining floorboards. Men running to sweep the house, to find it ransacked and empty.

"Clear, no one...No sign of Raven."

Ghost's heart felt like it stopped beating at those words, your car was still here. How did you get a getaway ride so fast, packed up in less then 10 minutes and disappeared. How could you do such a thing to him, take his whole life away, his whole world now stripped from him.

"Find her. I want my kid back."

The whole group nodded, going off to do another sweep of the entire house.

Ghost pulled his phone out of his back pocket, dialing your number as he walked outside. Stopping when he heard your phone ring from the living room.

She really left...with my kid.




You stared out the window, counting each tree that you passed by. Your daughter asleep with her head on your lap, the 8 hour car ride coming to a close very soon as you began entering a very wooded area, you knew that soon you would be dropped off with someone else to start the process of a new identity.

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now