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You sat on the metal roof of the old run down building. It was a cold and rainy day in Iraq, a perfect place for you to carry out your terrorist activities. With the help of ISIS you properly made missiles with captured Americans.

It was a shit show from the start but you got what you wanted. All of your weapons have been pinpointed. But it really didn't matter anymore. You were ready for them to come and get you.

It was just a matter of time before those missiles detonated themselves. They would send the troops to get those missiles, save their prisoners and then they would just add themselves to your list of American names.

Just a matter of time.




You could hear the sound of humvees in the distance, the sound of boots crunching on sand. They were coming for you, this was the end, just not only for you.

It took just 10 minutes for them to surround your building, the bussing of radios on your  computers from the room beneath you sounding off.

You didn't need those detectors anymore,you already knew they were here.

It would be less than 5 minutes till they had guns pointed to your head so you stayed where you were.

Waiting, just waiting for the moment they busted down your front door. The sky looked so beautiful this night. Almost like the stars were watching you, ready to send you to the pits of whatever suffering they had for you in the afterlife. If there even was one for you to go to.




The sound of your front door being bashed down rang through your ears, oh it was soon.

The sky was all that was on your mind. The sky and the pistol in your hand.

You never thought that you'd be one to contemplate taking your life. Not after becoming such a strong a feared leader.

Now it seemed like the only answer to your life now.

Was this all worth it?




"Drop it." A gruff European voice sounded from behind you.

You hadn't even heard his footsteps. Were you that out of it? You stayed still, not moving an inch, the pistol still in your lap.

"Did you hear me? Lose the weapon." He shouted, you knew he had his rifle pointed right at your head.

It would happen either way.

"No." You said softly.

There was a moment of silence before he put your in a chokehold, tossig the pistol that was in your lap off the roof.

You didn't struggle, looking right at the side of his head from the corner of your eye.

He was wearing some weird mask, wow. Can't even see a human in my last minutes.

You internally scoffed.

"You're too late...if you're thinking of taking me in for interrogation. It's already happening." You said softly, your voice too calm for someone at deaths doorstep.

"You're talking crazy." He scoffed, his grip tightening.

"40 seconds."

You mumbled, holding up your right hand, your wach showing 40 seconds till 11:30pm.

That's when his grip loosened for a second but got even tighter, deathly tight. His hand moving to his radio.

"Get out of there! Leave the missiles! Abort!" He almost screamed into the radio.

Oh the chaos you could hear from that radio. Americans, your people, an American you used to be.




Those forty seconds went by so slow, your brain losing oxygen when the last few seconds came.

Your vision went blurry but you could still make out the large explosions in the distance. The ones created from your work, the work of a killer.

"All over. Lieutenant Riley."

You choked out, your eyes losing all signs of life as your life was taken along with all those other soldiers.

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now