Yet so far.

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"That was a good one, Soap."

Ghost looked away from Soap, his hand covering his mouth. You could hear his faint laughs from your seat across the room. His voice like a harmony of angel's in your ears. Gosh you just wished you could be the one to make him laugh like that.

You averted your gaze when he calmed down, bad time to get caught staring. You sipped at your coffee, scrolling through your phone as you continued listening to that man's voice. You could sit there all day and listen to him talk. If only that was your job.




"Hey, Wire? Can you help me change the battery to my baby? I don't know what's up with her, you're the one good with machines and stuff."

Soap leaned over your desk a bit, looking down at your blueprints for a new explosive project.

"New bomb too. You know how much I love those things."

You smiled and got up from your desk, gently patting him on the back to make him move out of your office, leaving you to his car.

"I know, that's why I'm keeping it to myself."

"Ya know, I could make it even better if you let me in on it."




"Dude, changing a car battery isn't that hard. If I can do it you can too."

You closed the hood of the car, giving it a couple of slaps to make sure it knew everything was alright.

"Yeah yeah, last time I kinda cut a wire and fucked everything up. Just wanted a little help."

Soap pulled you closer to him, his arm over your shoulder. You rolled your eyes but didn't pull away, it had been so long since someone had even touched you in such a way.

"Soap, I have to get back to work."

"I know, go back to the good jobs. Won't even share."

He ruffled your hair and pushed you gently back towards the building, you took that and walked away from him. You were happy he was there for you most of the times.




You stood at your office window, it was after work hours but you had decided to stay and work just a bit longer. That work was watching the rookies fuck around in the courtyard, but today it was different. Your eyes were on that man you adored, he was sitting on one of the sargents folding chairs, on his phone. Your heart aching in some sort of way when you registered the flowers laying by his feet


You mumbled, folding your arms across your chest, you felt that tightening in your chest and your eyes glossed over.


You stood up straight and slowed your breathing, you couldn't cry now. He didn't even do anything with them. He could just be holding on to it for someone.




Those few minutes you stood by your window felt like hours before someone ran towards the man you adored. His iconic mohawk breaking your heart even more when you realized what it meant for you. Ghost quickly stood up with the flowers in his hand, embracing Mactavish in a hug. His back was faced away from your window, his mask pulled up over his nose. It was like your world shattered before your eyes when the two kissed.

"Fucking Mactavish, lucky bastard."

You couldn't watch the image before you anymore, tears bubbling in your eyes. You yanked your blinds closed. All that was on your mind was how much you wanted to hate Soap but could you really do it? He didn't do anything wrong...All he did was love. Love the man you wished to have.

"I wish I was you"



"Damn, Really workin' your ass off."

"Yeah, I'm busy, Mactavish. Don't bother me right now...Please"

"Really? I asked your boss and he said your project isn't due till next Friday. You have free time, you're almost done."

You gripped your pen, pausing with your writing. He had caught you in your own lie, you weren't busy but you were trying to keep your mind busy so you didn't have to think about the love he had that you wished you had.

"Soap, okay what do you want?"

"You've been so distant, come on,Wire. What happened that pulled you away from me?"

You snapped down your pen and stood up from your plush chair, pointing to your door.

"Mr. MacTavish, please exit my office. I'm trying to calculate some important stuff. You're being a very big distraction."

You tried to keep your voice level and calm but as you spoke your voice broke a bit, your emotions getting the better of you.

Soap stood there in shock for a few seconds before lowering his head and walking out of your office, no use in saying anything more.

"Almost lost it."

You sat back down and put everything away, laying your head down and letting loose. Tears streaming down your face. You had to get over this heartbreak before it mixed with your work anymore.




"Ha, good job Wire! Perfect baby you made. She worked like a charm."

Your commander pat your back, you had a proud smile plastered on your face. It felt nice to be recognized for your hard work.

"Thank you sir."




You sat down as you sipped on your glass of whiskey, it was a Sunday night and the bar was busy. A few people talked to you here and there but there wasn't much you were there for. Just a bit of a break from your work life.


You quickly turned your head towards the familiar voice, your eyes hitting two men standing over you. Soap and Ghost.


They both took a seat next to you, ordering their drinks before their attention went back to you.

"Talk, please?"

Soap mumbled, leaving closer to you. He seemed like he really wanted to know what was going on beyond your full eyes.

"Soap, I'm off the job. Don't bring this up with me now."

"No, please. You haven't been as cheerful as you were before. Something happened and I want to know what I can do to bring my Wire back to life."

You finished off the rest of your drink and placed your glass down. Fine. If he wants to know so badly I'll tell him.

"If I tell you will you stop asking?"

Soap nodded desperately.

"It's you two, you and your boyfriend.Soap, I thought you would have noticed my crush on him long ago, I wished you would have told me about your relationship so it would have been easier for me to cope with the truth. I saw you two out in the courtyard, broke my heart and I can't stand to be around you two right now, I'm trying to come to terms with what reality is. Now don't even come into my office till I tell you I'm better."

You snapped at him, getting up from your bar stool and walking away from them, you paid for your drinks and left the bar. You didn't even cry this time, usually every time it comes up you cried but now that it was out.

You felt better, no need to hide it anymore.

The feelings you kept hidden now leaving you like a weight being cut from your ankles.

"I'll cope with it."

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now