All I am.

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"Hurry up and get out of my room."

He grumbled, pulling on his boxers and running his hand through his hair. You mumbled curses under your breath as you pulled yourself out of his bed, grabbing your clothing and pulling it on. You buttoned your shirt on your way out, the door clicking closed.

You didn't know why you did such things with him, the aftertaste was so bitter. Your heart longed for his love but you knew he was looking at you in a different way. Something other than the love you longed for him to reciprocate, the heartache you felt when you worked on the helicopter that would take him away from your on an assignment.

You knew you were in love with that man, every living second of your life he was in the back of your mind, making you feel so light headed all the time. You had told him about your feelings long ago, but he just pushed it over and has never given you a solid answer.

Deep within yourself you can tell he doesn't care but something keeps you stuck to him when he leads you into his quarters after dark.

"Pass me the wrench." You held your hand out and when the wrench was placed in your hands you tossed a few screws to your partner.

You had been working on one of the helicopters for a while now and you really wanted to go inside for a break, it was hellish hot out there and all of this manual labor was making the heat even worse.

"Hey Alexis, do you want to go inside and take a break for a few?"

Alexis looked over at you, a happy smile on his face when you mentioned a break.

"Finally, I thought you were going to keep me out here till you finished fixing it"

You stood up and placed the panel over the exposed interior of the helicopter. You began walking towards the building, waving him along with you.




"After we're done for the day do you want to go get dinner, the mess hall is getting to me and I want to spend some time with you outside of this facility."

You rolled your eyes as you sipped on your red bull, the thought of dinner sounded nice.

"Sure, it couldn't kill me if I had some real food for once"

You and Alexis had been dating for a few months. You had cut off all relations with Ghost for your own sake, overall that was one of your best choices. You had stopped being haunted by that dreadful feeling, moving on and getting into a healthy relationship where you felt loved and cared about. Most importantly, not used.

"We got 10 minutes before we got to look busy."

"Yeah yeah, I got you."

You downed the rest of your red bull, tossing it away and sitting down on the couch to your left.

"Power nap real quick? Set the alarm."

Alexis nodded and set an alarm for 8 minutes before joining you on the couch, arm over his eyes to block out the light.




You were startled away by someone tapping your shoulder, you opened your eyes lazily, your eyes staring at a black vest, a breaded UK flag aligning with your sight. It could have been anyone standing in front of you with that patch but by the build, you already knew who it was.


You mumbled, closing your eyes and moving closer to your partner. You felt a bit off by his presences, you had gone so long without seeing him so it was weird now that he had come to you.

"Get up, we need to talk."

You opened your eyes and shot him a glare, his tone needed to change from his current demanding to something more respectful.

"No, not till you change your ass attitude."

You crossed your arms, staring him down even though he was the taller one currently.

"Fuckin' hell woman. Can we converse outside of this facility? "

You nodded, gently moving Alexis off of your shoulder. You stood up and followed Ghost outside of the building. You both stood face to face at the doors, a very tense moment between you two before he finally spoke up.

"Do you not love me anymore?"

"What do you mean? Love you?"

You had to hold back from scoffing at the word love, was he really asking you that now? After you had finally moved on from his sorry ass.

"(Y/N), you don't even try to talk to me anymore. You're always avoiding places where we cross paths. I thought we had something?"

He sounded so desperate for an answer, maybe one that would lead you back to him again.

"Shut the fuck up, We never had anything between us. If anything I was just your little fuck toy, whenever you wanted a quickie I was there to be that piece of meat. I can't even believe I let myself go that low for you, makes me sick to even think of the things we did. So if you are trying to get me to come back to working at your base. It's a fuck no, not till hell freezes over."

You snapped at him, giving him the most disrespectful tone you could muster.

"(Y/N), It wasn't like that. I didn't mean to make you feel like I was just using you for intercorse, I did love you back. I just didn't know how to really show it."

"No, no more of this. I have a boyfriend and a happy relationship. Leave Mr.Riley, go back to your base."

You had to hold yourself back from flipping him off as you walked back to the break room, you could hear your boyfriends alarm sounding off.

Perfect, back to work now.

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now