More than an ache

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You placed a heating pad on your stomach, groaning in pain. These cramps were getting to be too much for you to handle, your cramps had never been so intense. You had taken medicine to help ease the pain but it seemed like nothing was working.

You were so close to calling your boyfriend to come pick you up and take you to the hospital because of it.

You hauled yourself out of bed and to the bathroom, kneeling down in front of the toilet. You could feel the snacks you just ate starting to come up.

You were starting to get worried, these kinds of pains never happened to you before, it felt like your whole uterus was being ripped out of you.

You dug your phone out of your pocket, sitting down with your back against the wall. You dialed your boyfriend's phone number, waiting for him to pick up the phone.

"Hi sweetie w-"

"Come home, I need you to take me to the hospital. Please I'm in pain."

You were trying to hold back your tears, it was hard to explain your pain at the moment but all you wanted right then was to be pumped full of drugs to get this pain to stop

There was no response on the other side, just the ending of the call. You knew he was coming home, he wouldn't let you sit there in pain for long.




"She's miscarrying. There's nothing we can do for the child."




You laid there in the cold hospital bed, in utter shock, you didn't even want to accept what you just went through. The fact you didn't even know you were pregnant scared you to death.

You wanted to just curl up and die, the whole experience was so traumatic, the doctors coming in and out of your room to see if you had passed the now dead baby.

You had.

They took the body, not even giving you a chance to see what your child looked like. You were too stunned to even try and say anything in protest. Maybe they'd bring them back, you wanted to see the baby..even if their heart wasn't beating.




"She's fine, she can leave after we're done with a few more blood tests."

"Alright, thank you."




You laid in your bed, the place you were most of your days now. The comfort of your pillows and blankets comforting you while you were lost in your mind.

You weren't sad or anything while thinking. Just confused, how did you not know you were pregnant that far along, why did the child die. Maybe it was all the drinks you had.

You barely drank. It couldn't be.

"Get out of bed."

Simon pulled the blanket off of you, gently pulling your body up so you were sitting.

You didn't want to but what could you protest, all of your strength was gone.

"We're going to the shelter, maybe you can find a baby there. One that can help you while I'm at work."

You didn't respond, allowing him do help you get ready to leave the house. You were too mentally drained to really do anything on your own.




You were linked arms with Simon, walking down the hallway, the line of caged dogs on either side, each looking so happy to see people, barking and yapping at the both of you.

You thought each of the babies were so adorable, but one caught your eye. A pitbull, with those sad eyes. You couldn't pull your eyes away once you made eye contact, stopping in your tracks in front of the cage.

You smiled and placed your hand against the cage.





You turned your face away from the constant licks at your face, it was so disgusting but so adorable at the same time. You didn't know how to handle such love form the big baby.

"Rock, quit it!"

You giggled, pushing the dogs face away from you, but it was no use. The dog just found another way to give you all the kisses in the world.

"Oh my god, okay!"

You smiled, getting up from the couch and walking to the door, letting her outside. Letting her run around in the back yard.

"You don't even let me do that to you, but you let someone you just met weeks ago kiss you like crazy."

Simon cooed to you, his arm wrapping around your waist as he walked by, pulling you into a hug. His face pressing into the crook of your neck.

"It's because she's cute."

"Am I not?"

"Not even close to her."

"Ya know, that really stings."

"Oh quit being such a baby."

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now