Why Him?

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"Look, I don't know what one he'll like. Pick it for him"

You pushed the screen towards König, two types of dog tags on them. One a classic light rose gold and the other a heart shaped one in the same color.

"The heart is cute, get that one. I bet you he'll love it."

You could see the skin under his eyes wrinkle a bit, he was smiling.

"Okay! I'll get that one. Okay anyways back to what we were doing."

You grabbed the acrylic paint and placed it between you two, pulling your canvas closer to you so you could pain the finer details. You didn't have any idea for this painting so it was just a bunch of little doodles that came to mind. Whatever your mind thought of at the moment, it went down on the canvas.




"König, look at these flowers! Aren't they just so pretty!"

You rushed over to him and held up the assortment of soft whites, green, blue, and purples'. All of the colors somehow went so well together.

"They look wonderful!"

He smiled and took a few red ribbons off of the counter where other arrangements of flowers sat. He tied them off to a few stems till it looked perfect.

"Okay one last thing, the little treats! Ghost is supposed to be home at 2 pm so we have about an hour!"




"Stop! You're going to overdo it!"

You smacked König's hand away and snatched the torch from him, finishing off the last crème brûlé.

"Go make the flowers look pretty, you seem to be good at that."

You gently nudged him to the side.




Ghost closed the door behind him, kicking off his boots and pulling his mask above his nose. He let out a deep sigh, walking through the hallways as if looking for someone.

You stood by where the kitchen wall met the living room, as soon as Ghost stepped into the kitchen you popped out from the side, holding up the gift you had gotten for him. The engravings were just on time for you to pick up before you got home so they were neatly packed in with the painting you made.

"Happy birthday!"

You smiled and pushed the gift into his hands, he didn't give any reaction but you were used to it at this point. He unwrapped the gift and stared down at it for a bit before walking over to the wall where your other paintings were, taking down the oldest and replacing it with the new on. He caught the dog tags before they could fall.

"You got us...matching dog tags?

"I thought they were cute, something to remind you of me when we're not together."

You bounced on the ball of your feet, trying to see the feeling he was getting from it. He picked up the one with his name engraved in it and walked over to you, gently placing it over your head, the cold metal resting on the skin of your neck. He did the same to himself, leaning down and placing a kiss on your cheek.




"You're adorable...but you're not mine anymore."




"I can see you drifting away from me."




"To him..."




"It's something I can't control, I never could"




"König! Sweetie come here!"

You giggled, your arms outstretched to him as he came to you. His strong arms wrapping around your waist, picking you up and placing kisses on your face. The fabric of his veil tickling your softer skin.

I already saw it coming. He was too good, his charm, ability to show stronger emotions. Ability to make her happier than I ever could...I hate that man for taking the spot I so desperately wanted to keep.

"I guess we were just star-crossed lovers...(Y/N)."

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now