If I ever.

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You grabbed your phone off its charger and climbed out your window, shutting it when you were outside. It was around 10 at night so you had to be quiet when doing all of this. The black land rover waiting for you on the edge of base. You knew if you got caught now it wouldn't be such a big deal, once you were in that car though it would be a different story.

You checked the windows that viewed your path, checking for anyone who might have been looking out. Once your escape was clear you made a mad dash for the car. Ghost was waiting for you, flowers were sitting on your seat. You yanked the door open and got in, snatching up the flowers before you could crush them.

"Made it in one piece"

You giggled, leaning over the middle console so you could place a kiss on his cheek. You and Ghost had been dating for about a year and a half, your relationship hidden from your coworkers.

You both were on opposite sides, your organizations fighting against each other, such a relationship was forbidden. As said by your brother, you could tell he was catching on to you but how much did he know? You didn't know but you weren't going to stop sneaking out at night to spend time with your lover.

All of it reminded you of that one play you read in highschool, Romeo and Juliet. Forbidden lovers whom's families hated each other... a story with one tragic ending.

"where to lover boy?"

You giggled, leaning back in your seat as you put on your seatbelt.

"Where the city lights don't block out the stars. Found this one place that you can so clearly see them from."

Ghost checked behind him and floored it away from your base.




You grabbed a flashlight from the trunk of the car and skipped off into the forest, you were parked far from where human lights could reach, pitch black but some of the moon light showed through the trees. Your flashlight gave you some kind of sight, letting you see where your feet would hit next.

"Watch your step, I'm not taking you to the hospital if you get hurt."

You ignored the comment and kept going deeper into the trees, a clearing just feet away from where you were. You could see what he was talking about, the stars were so clear out here. They shone like glitter on a black canvas.

You made the rest of the walk till you were out in the soft grass, such a small area but the sight was unforgettable. The sky is something you wouldn't forget, you had never really thought to acknowledge what the universe had to offer in forms of such art. Each star was so beautiful, a true wonder to human kind, one that would never be replaced.

Ghost stood behind you, looking at the same exact thing you were, admiring the beauty before him, you and the sky.

"This is a place I would want to get married at. Exactly like this, the stars out and watching the world."

You giggled out, taking a seat on the soft grass.

You both would spend a few hours just stargazing, pointing out constellations and making up new ones.




"Thank you darling, I didn't know you were one to stargaze."

You said in a low voice, as if someone would hear you speak.

"Learn something every day. Are we able to see each other next week?"

Ghost leaned over to open your door for you, you frowned and cupped his face in your hands, playing with the fabric around his eyes.

"I'll try my best to come see you again. No promises."

You giggled and placed kisses on his masked face. You stepped out of the car and waved at him.

"Turn off the car."

The voice startled you, your brother was at the driver side window just banging away at the window. His pistol hitting the glass every time he slammed his fist on the window.

"Who even are you! What were you doing with my Captain!"

Your body told you to run, goosebumps raising on your arms. You had never seen your brother so mad before, All of that blunt force was going to break the car window if he didn't stop, you weren't going to stop him. Not right now.

"Get out of the damn car! Face me like a fucking man!"

Ghost shut off the car and opened the door, both men now standing face to face.

"If you chipped my window, may God have mercy on you."

Ghost huffed out, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I don't give a fuck about your dumb ass car, what are you doing out here at 2 in the fucking morning with my Captain...Most importantly my goddamn sister!"

Your brother was fuming, his free hand balled up into a fist. Lights from the barracks started to flickered on and windows began to open. Everyone was awake now, great...Now everyone would know.

"I'm sorry but I'm just bringing my girlfriend back to her room. I didn't know she was your sister."

Ghost looked in your direction, walking over to you and linking arms. Your brother was quick to stop it, yanking you away from Ghost.

"(Y/N), I swear to god I'm never letting you out of my sight again. I knew you were up to no good."

You were dragged away from Ghost, back to the building where you were supposed to be in. You looked back as Ghost stood there, watching as you got farther away from him.

"If I ever see you with my sister again, it will be the last time you see anything!"

Your brother yelled, closing and locking the building door.

"You can't be serious."

You were so relieved he didn't recognize that mask, it would have led you into more trouble. If he ever found out you were in love with the other side.

"Your window is getting barred. I'm installing cameras around the perimeters of the building. Next time you sneak out I'm going to kill him."




"I'm going out for pads and stuff."

"Better not be going to see that guy. I want you back in 40. Do you understand Captain?"

"Yes..Colonel (Y/L)"




"40 minutes...We got 40 minutes Ghost"

"That's fine with me."

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now