I love you, I'm trying.

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Sitting down on that soft pale sofa of yours, all that was on your mind was your longing for that man who was always gone.

He was always out late, on a mission or just sleeping.

You tried not to complain about it but your relationship only seemed to be on occasion..he was rarely there. Leaving you feeling single.

Tonight was just that night, he was out late again, telling you he was at the bar with his team. You wished for once he would come home to you after work and not spend his time at work or at the bar.

What could you even say anymore, you missed his presence.




You were awoken around 2 am by the front door shutting, sitting up from your sleeping position on the couch.

Your vision was foggy and you struggled to make out who just entered the apartment. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes you got up from the couch, well tried to get up from the couch.

A hand was placed on your chest, pushing you gently back down to lay on the couch.


That rough voice spoke so quietly, the couch shifting down as he moved to lay between your legs, his head resting on your stomach.

You were shocked by his actions, not knowing what he was doing...was he being soft?


You whispered to him, you didn't want to touch him at all right now, not knowing if he wanted it. He looked tired and sleepy...it was so adorable to see such a tough man like him so cuddly.

Simon looked up at you slowly, his eyes glistening in the soft lamp light, the only lighting in the room right now.

He moved one arm up and struggled to take off his jacket but he finally got it off, moving his arms back around your waist once more.

"Just a few minutes..."

He sounded so needy to be holding you so close to him.

You moved your hands to his back, being careful to watch for his reaction to you. You missed these nights when he would come home and just be sweet with you.

Simon didn't seem to be very phased by your touch, he missed it badly. He wanted you to be close to him, wanted you to show him all your love.

He stayed like that, listening to your heartbeat and your smooth breathing, the rhythm of your being.

It calmed him, more than the alcohol did, more than the cigarettes.




You two stayed like that for a while, more than just "A few minutes". You two were comfortable, so needy for each other's embrace.

The both of you asleep on the couch, holding each other like you'd lose one another if you let go.

Just the way it should be.




The morning came too fast, your windows open and the sun shining right onto your face.

You moved your hand to your stomach, expecting to feel your boyfriend's head.


You sat up and looked around, noticing his boots were gone from their spot by the front door.

He left...again.

You should have known that the sweet side of him wouldn't last long...you'd have to wait another eternity for that side of him to come back.

You wished he would stay..stay just a bit longer, love just a bit longer.

Yet you stay, stay for him. He needed you and you knew that, he needed your love and a reason to come home alive.

(Feel like my writing isn't the same anymore 🙁 idk if I'm getting lazy or I'm losing skill.)

Simon "Ghost" RIley, One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now