Author's Note

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Hello and welcome!  

I published the first book of Return of the Demon Sovereign a couple of years ago; however, I realized a detail didn't sit quite right for me. I believed there was a better romance pairing that I ignored. It may not seem like much of a hindrance, especially because RotDS is not necessarily romance-heavy, but it was enough to make me run into a wall while writing the second novel. 

After focusing on writing primarily MxM novels, I honed in on what was missing. I decided to reboot RotDS the way that I felt was right. Therefore, I changed this from MF to MM. 

If you read the original RotDS, you may notice I trimmed some unnecessary sections and flushed out some parts to make it flow better. Additionally, I simplified the cultivation levels and realms. Still, you won't see many changes in the plot except for the love interest. I am also spending more time editing to have this at the level I am genuinely proud of. 

This novel was heavily inspired by wuxia/manhua. I have used quite a few ideas and terms you would see in a cultivation novel; however, I know that others haven't read these types of stories, so I have a glossary of common terms and locations at the end of this novel. Anyone can hop back to the glossary if you need clarification.  

RotDS is a story I have been passionate about for a long time, and I hated that I hit a snag while working on the second book. I took a long time to find myself on the right path again, so thank you for being so patient. I hope this makes up for the long lapse between the two novels. 

Enough of my jabbering. I hope you enjoy this not-so-new world!

Return of the Demon Sovereign (Book 1) [MxM]Where stories live. Discover now