72. Kings and Mad Devils (2)

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Everyone in their small circle was still reeling from the news. 

Finally, Comet spoke up. "Do you think it really took ten thousand souls to resurrect him? Perhaps it was a smaller number, and he exaggerated."

"One thing you can trust about the Devil mad scientists is that they will never lie about their experiments. It's an ego thing. They want to share everything about their process, and it would damage their pride if they lied. If he said ten thousand, there would not be one sacrifice less." Erebus answered. Even Mad Blasphemy would flippantly talk about his failures to Erebus because the conversation would stir his sick motivation.

Leo sighed. "So, we have a crazy asshole scientist who could possibly travel to the other realms, and the worst Devil imaginable has resurrected. Who even knows about this High Priest we have heard about? Do we even know where to look for them?"

"Lychgate used a teleportation talisman. He is still in Undanfold, but his exact location is unknown, so we must be cautious when encountering any Devil. But Aboros..." Erebus' eyes moved towards the tall, dark red mountain that pierced into the sky. "... I believe he is still where he fell."

They followed his gaze and stared at the ominous mountain in the distance. "That's the place you told us to stay away from," Nash said quietly.

"It was their ancient lair, Kurat Hall, but it seems like they are using it again." He said, his eyes narrowing a little. "I ordered you to stay away, but now I believe we must move towards it."

Leo was next to Erebus, his hand discreetly brushing against his thigh. He was able to feel Erebus tense. 

"What else?" Leo asked.

Erebus looked at him, his deep exhaustion reflected in the silver irises. "I'm conflicted about the creature they call Sovereign. They treat this being as a holy figure, but I know nothing about it. I can guess it's a Titan. I don't know how strong it is or if I can make it bleed. How do I kill their Sovereign?"

Fenrir growled. "How dare they use that name. I'll rip out his heart with my teeth."

"So what's the plan?" Leo asked, breaking the tense atmosphere.

Erebus pulled out a map and marked several locations that he remembered boxed in the mountainside entrance. "Our goal is to approach the mountain and maintain a watch for now at these locations."

The captains nodded, acknowledging their new positions. Claus looked at the map and hesitated for a moment. "My group would like to help if you will have us."

"I only told you this so you know this is more than a tournament and will face bigger risks in the Undanfold wilderness. I wanted you to be prepared for that. If you join us, not only will you risk not placing on the tournament leaderboards, but you will face a war that I cannot guarantee you will walk away from." Erebus warned.

Claus nodded. "I know. You and your king warned us that this was not a game. I'm ashamed to admit this, but we were truly ignorant and did not understand the true threat. We probably would have watched your struggle on the sidelines. But we saw the truth when we lost our comrades because of those Devils. After everything we have seen, we cannot idly sit by. If this is a war, then let us be your allies."

Comet slapped him on the back. "Well said!"

"We will gladly accept the additional hands." Erebus smiled a little and turned to Leo. "Gather everyone else. Your unit will be at the forefront and will benefit from High Serpent's healers."

"Understood," Leo said.

Erebus nodded and turned back to Claus. "Inform your soldiers to move out with mine. However, they must follow my orders or Leo's when I am not around."

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