95. Endings [End of Book 1]

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A month passed quickly, ringing in the end of the tournament. Golden Mountain had returned earlier than the rest, recovering from the decimation of their troops. Only Terran's unit, which was safely in the northern part of Undanfold, was unharmed. Silvercloud's members returned shortly after Golden Mountain with extensive wounds and little to brag about.

However, at the end of the six months, Erebus and Leo lead the large group of Shadowbane soldiers and High Serpent through the gates of Swiftmoore. The civilians poured out to the streets to greet them. 

However, when the guards blew their horns to welcome the last group, many fell silent. Shadowbane and High Serpent rode in on their horses, with Erebus and Leo leading the way. However, they were not jubilant or celebratory. Their faces were somber, and a thick killing intent weighed down on everyone who was near. Many had to cover their noses and back away because they still reeked of blood.

Their last month was filled with countless battles. Once they destroyed Kurat Hall, the Devils scattered, so they had to hunt them down. However, they knew thousands were still running around in southern Undanfold.

Erebus looked back at his troops, who were escorting a small cart that held the bodies of the two men they had lost. Fenrir helped preserve their bodies using runes so they could send them off in a manner worthy of Shadowbane heroes.

Erebus sighed, still lamenting the loss; however, he was motivated to create a better world so they could have peace when reborn from the Aether. 

Leonis, the Generals, and Allan from High Serpent gathered and quickly approached the soldiers. They bowed respectfully to the wartorn soldiers.

Erebus and Leo bowed in return.

"The shadows have watched over us and allowed us to return," Erebus announced with a deep voice reverberating through the city. 

Leonis nodded. "We welcome you home. The losses?"

Erebus sighed. "Warriors Nick Dresson and Lural Trepid have entered the Aether."

"We will honor them," Lenois said with a hand held over his heart.

"May the shadows bless them on their journey," Erebus said somberly.

Leonis looked around. "I heard my daughter had obtained a fortuitous encounter. Did she not come back with you?"

Erebus smiled warmly. "She will be a while. I will report the details later, with your permission."

"Of course," Leonis agreed, aware that it may not be something Erebus wanted to announce in front of others. 

Erebus turned back to his troops. "Soldiers. Greet your king."

Every soldier dismounted and kneeled, including Erebus and Leo. 

"Shadow's blessings to our King! We have returned." Their shout shook the walls.

Leo stood and hugged Leonis. "I have returned, father."

Leonis chuckled and patted him on the back affectionately. When they broke apart, Leo nudged Erebus.

Erebus gave him a confused look and chose to bow. "I have returned, my King."

Leonis raised an eyebrow. "So distant with me?"

Leo tried to hide his laughter. Erebus gave him a helpless look and sighed. "I have returned, father-in-law."

Leonis beamed and dragged him into a hug. Erebus stood frozen because of the sudden affection.

"My sons have returned!" Leonis said happily, already accepting him as part of his family. 

Erebus trembled for a moment. Son. This was a burdensome weight, but it filled him with deep comfort. He couldn't help himself, and a small smile flitted on his lips. Son was a much better title than Sovereign. It was one he wanted to bear proudly.

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