15. Red Seal Mission

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Erebus somehow found a way to excuse himself from the lively group who wanted to fill his cup with ale and toast him continuously. He left so he could go to the shop upstairs but felt his cheeks flush and his mind muddled from the alcohol. He leaned against the wall momentarily and circulated his mana, purifying the energy within him and removing the effects. When he breathed out, the air from his mouth turned to steam, burning away the alcohol.

When he was done, he entered the shop and looked around. The gear was suitable for his level but expensive. He groaned inwardly, realizing how poor he was, even with a bag of coins he took from the Devils. But there was no guarantee that the shop would take these coins.

He considered turning in the rest of the cores in his possession, but he never needed to have the most expensive gear in the past because he relied solely on his skill. He was resolved to find something within his budget for now. His eyes paused when he saw two good-quality black daggers. His fingers brushed over them, and he smiled contently.

The store attendant came up to him and bowed. "Are you a hunter?"

Erebus nodded and showed his medallion. "Do you happen to take trades?"

The attendant nodded. "We do. Even if they are Devil weapons, we can purify them or melt them down for more weapons. We are always in need of good metal."

Erebus nodded and pulled out the broadsword that the Devil captain used. The attendant took it with both hands and examined it. "Not bad. I can take this."

After a few more trades and his hunter discount, Erebus painfully emptied his pockets and purchased the daggers. His heart wanted to cry, but it was quickly put at ease when he held the blades in his hands. They were not Gramr, but they were comfortable and extremely sharp when embedded with his mana. He was satisfied to call these his partners until he found Gramr.

He traded most of the short swords he collected for some silver coins to purchase clothing and rations for his next journey.

The shopkeeper tried to sell him the most expensive gear in the armor shop. After showing the shopkeeper the pitifully small amount of coins left in his possession, he was pushed toward the leather gear.

Erebus donned himself in tight-fitting pants and a black shirt. He strapped on an armored leather vest and gauntlets, then pulled a new mask over the lower half of his face. He kept the Devil's cloak on him because he figured it was better to reuse it than waste more money.

Now wearing adequate gear, he strapped one knife on his hip and spun the dagger in his right hand. He tapped the handles of the blades together, letting them ring with a note of nostalgia. It was a force of habit as the Demon Sovereign— a way to call in his attendants or gather his soldiers' attention.

There were two levels of the Shadowbane language. One where it was simply tapping like Morse Code. The other was more of a secret tapping embedded with mana; only those who have trained their ears with a unique technique could hear the sounds.

The sound Erebus created when tapping his daggers together was subconsciously embedded with mana—echoing the Shadowbane wordless language. Within the Undanfold headquarters, the high-tiered soldiers and old monsters who knew this art suddenly stilled. This one ring was commanding and ancient, making them want to fall to their knees.

One of the men who heard was a general. He shivered with anticipation and quickly moved through the shadows towards the sound as if beckoning him. He was surprised to find himself in the armor shop staring at a young man in all black, Erebus.

Erebus noticed the presence immediately, and he looked in the direction of the old general. He knew this person was no one to scoff at, so he bowed respectfully.

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