77. Declaring War

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Samar finished his cigarette. He pulled out two black daggers and looked down at them affectionately. 

The black blades curved a little and were complimented with an obsidian handle. They were cut beautifully and seemed to vibrate with the desire for battle. Erebus' eyes were attracted to blades that uncannily resembled his Gramr. They seemed to have noticed his gaze, and the soul of the blades called to him. He had to force himself to restrain his hands from reaching out to them.

"These once belonged to Aion. I planned on burying them to honor him but couldn't find the heart to do so."

"Spirit weapons..." Erebus murmured. Gramr was a spirit weapon, which meant it had its own soul. To be able to use them to their full potential, you would have to be recognized by them. 

Samar nodded. "They were made from the dark mithril mined from the Nocturnal Peaks of Efstfold and forged in the fires of the Arcane Dwarves. They are centuries old, and only a few have been blessed to be acknowledged by them, Aion being the last." Samar said, admiring the gleam on the blade.

Erebus was still mesmerized. The blades seemed to hum to him, stirring his soul, and whispered a name in his heart.

"Requies." Erebus murmured.

Samar looked up sharply. He wanted to ask how he knew the blades' names, but they started to tremble in his hands, fighting to be released. Samar let go, and the blades rushed out towards Erebus.

Erebus automatically caught them, making them sing with delight. A black light erupted from them and wrapped around Erebus' hands. When the light faded, a new mark of crisscrossed blades was on his wrists.

Erebus suddenly broke from his trance and quickly held the blades out towards Samar. "I'm so sorry!"

However, Samar held up his hands with a joyous smile. "They finally found someone."

"But these are your brother's legacy."

Samar patted him on the back. "I know Aion and his blades. They fought together and knew of war. They deserve to be with a warrior and not gathering dust in my spatial ring. You can give them a new life."

Erebus examined the blades with affection. He wanted to protest, but the call of the blades was too strong. "Thank you, sir." He said quietly.

"That is far too formal, especially when you are technically higher ranked than me." Samar laughed. "Besides, we're poor bastards who have lost our families, so we have to make our own. Call me Samar or even Uncle if you feel inclined."

Erebus smiled warmly, grateful for Samar's kindness. He stored his old daggers, including the broken one. Before strapping on Requies, he tapped the handles, letting them ring through the temple.

He looked up from the blades and was surprised to see Halcyon and Leonis in the temple with them. Erebus felt embarrassed for running away from them and quickly kneeled.

"King. General. Please forgive me for my behavior earlier."

However, instead of chastising him, they sat down on the floor with him and Samar. "I see Aion's blades have chosen you," Halcyon said with a small smile. "I am proud that you have become my successor, and now you can wield those blades in Aion's place."

Erebus caressed the blades, making them hum with delight. "The things I said in the chambers stand true. I will never do anything that breaks your trust." He sighed heavily, and the words seemed to catch in his throat. "But my background is difficult to explain."

In reality, he was one of those Themis dogs that Halcyon cursed. His father had a hand in Halcyon's daughter's death. Although Eri was also a victim and should not be blamed for being cursed with the Themis blood, it was still a significant secret to keep. He felt like he was deceiving Halcyon, and that thought gutted him.

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