21. Meridian Cleansing

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Erebus opened his eyes and found himself lying under the bright red skies. There were hardly any clouds in the sky, and he was greeted by the blaring sun and the subtle moon. His body felt weak because of the backlash of the poison and using too much mana. The Purifying Executioner was a complicated and intricate rune that stripped part of his soul. He shouldn't have used it in his state, but it was the only fitting way to end the life of a Phase Spider.

He focused on his breathing and tried to meditate while lying down, but his thoughts were interrupted by angry voices.

"He's in bad shape. We should go to the next town."

"The one back is closer. We may need to go south."

"But he seemed determined to follow them."

"But he didn't expect to use the Purifying Executioner." He was surprised to hear Comet's voice. Comet did mention he knew about runes, and Erebus was pleased to hear that he knew of the Purifying Executioner.

"Tsk. You suddenly became unconditionally trusting of him after seeing that rune. All I saw was blood magic." Distrust was heavily laced in the other man's words.

Comet shook his head. "You should know that my unit in Shadowbane is made up entirely of runemasters, so I should know more than you regarding the subject. Besides, even the most novice cultivator would see the difference between pure runes and blood magic."

Nash nodded. "Comet's right. I am not a rune expert, but I know blood magic is dark to the point that it fouls the air. But runes use the energy of the world—the Aether itself. Devils can taint it, but they cannot replicate the purity of genuine rune magic. What Erebus did... I can only describe it as divine."

Comet sighed. "The Purifying Executioner is one of the most unadulterated runes known to all creatures across all Realms. Only a pure will and heart can create it, which means that Erebus's intent had no malice."

As a Beastman, he would know about the wondrous creatures in the Spirit Realm.

"And look how he guarded the crystal core. Even after falling off his horse and slipping unconscious, he held it to his chest to protect it." Nash said quietly.

The female Shadow Guard coughed a little. "His methods are a little extreme, but he was right. We cannot be complacent. Besides, can you think of any other way to save four people from 30 Devils? He saved us and protected us. Show some gratitude, soldier."

The male Shadow Guard huffed. "No one knows why he came, though."

Erebus let out a heavy breath, causing them to turn toward him. He sat up gingerly, one hand holding the crystal core to his chest, the other hand unsteadily supporting him on the ground.

"How far out are we?" He asked with a raspy voice.

"We made it over 50 kilometers from the campsite," Nash explained.

Erebus nodded. "No sign of Prince Leo?"

Comet shook his head. "We are still on his trail. We have found small traces of blood. However, none of it seems to be life-threatening."

Erebus turned towards Skadi. "Any traces of the Devils? Is anyone herding Prince Leo's party again?"

Skadi pawed the ground. [No. Suspicious.]

Erebus clicked his tongue. "I agree. Either they successfully forced them in their desired direction, or the Devils were called away. Either scenario is concerning."

The female Shadow Guard cocked her head and removed the hood she had been wearing. Her dark blue hair was revealed. It was cut short, with one side shaved and tattooed. The scar that covered her eye stretched to the top of her head and sliced through her hairline. She narrowed her eyes a little. "Who are you?"

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