61. The Hive

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Erebus didn't know the thoughts running through the others' minds. He was focused on slipping through the shadows and entering the facility. He knew it would be underground because the entrance was in the boulder, but he was disturbed to feel how large and intricate this facility was. It reminded him of Kurat Hall, the labyrinth where he had fought Aboros.

Erebus felt unease as he kept climbing down into the deep cavern. He wanted to curse Nyx at this moment, recalling the uncomfortable times he spent in his the earth as he tempered his body.

He heard footsteps, so he merged into the shadows of the walls, letting a group of Devils pass him. He waited until he felt comfortable moving again and continued downwards. His domain had spread deep underground and was trying to map out the numerous pathways that were built underground.

Erebus was reminded of ants with complex tunnels that spread wide in the ground and interconnected. This wasn't a facility but a hive.

He had seen this structure before in Aboros' base. They imitated that cursed place. However, because they copied that base, he could determine where the prisoners were being held. He followed his instincts and climbed downwards, stepping in and out of the shadows to avoid the Devils.

He was relieved to find only about a dozen Devils in the King Realm, but none exceeding the Intermediate stage. He knew it would be a difficult fight, but with Leo assisting him, he was confident he could take down the more powerful Devils. If he was desperate, he could call on Fenrir to rip a few apart.

After an hour of cautiously traveling, he found himself in front of a crude laboratory. He frowned as he checked the state of the room. It was filthy and nothing compared to Mad Blasphemy. He may have hated that Devil, but he at least had respect for his work and kept the place as clean and organized as possible, even if it meant having humans hanging from meat hooks.

This place was littered with body parts, and the ground was sticky with blood. Awkward and misshapen piles were carelessly pushed against the wall, and foul stench lingered around them. When Erebus focused on the piles, his eyes darkened as he saw body parts and entrails mixed in the rotting piles.

He felt a familiar and foreboding energy that made the Phonoi Heart poison giggle inside him. Erebus turned towards a rack on the other side and saw vials of grey liquid. A murderous rage overtook his heart as he recognized the Phonoi Heart poison. There were a couple dozen vials that were severely diluted, but it stirred his blood nonetheless.

He tore his gaze away, but his pupils contracted as he saw ten women tied to steel crosses, their arms extended and already bruised by the ropes wrapped around their limbs. They arrived half a day ago but were already in a poor state. He used his mana to examine them and cursed inwardly. The Devils had been torturing their minds. It was similar to the Phonoi Heart that would tear you up from the inside and break you down.

It was a conditioning that the Devils would use to corrupt a person. They would torment your mind, and when it was vulnerable, they would feed you their damnable thoughts. This is how they made the 'Offerings' from before, blindly reverent for their sovereign.

Erebus checked his surroundings and found that no one was near them. He made his way deeper into the laboratory, keeping a layer of his shadows under his feet so he would not leave footprints on the bloodied floors. He stepped around the limbs and organs, trying to control his emotions. He was aware of how prominent his killing intent could be. He looked at the women and felt a pain inside his heart. They were young, the humans being mid-twenties to thirties. There was one elf who was a similar age to Leo.

Erebus knew they would not last long and thanked the spirits for giving him Authority in the Spirit Realm. He waved his hand to open a portal, but the space before him crackled and sparked like lightning, stopping the portal from opening. The harder he tried, the harsher the lighting became. He tried fighting against the restriction, but the lightning snaked out and attacked his hand, making him tremble with pain. He quickly stopped the portal, letting the space close.

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