29. A Demon's Curse

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•••••• TW: This chapter will have descriptions of torture. •••••

The anger that Erebus felt was tangible, making Mikal cry out. He tried to scoot away, but Erebus grabbed him within moments. He slapped his hand on Mikal's core and forced his mana inside his body. Mikal screamed and trembled as he felt Erebus' mana infiltrate his meridians and encircle his mana core. Erebus squeezed his mana like a fist around the core and clamped down on it until it cracked and shattered.

Mikal screamed out and spat up black blood. Erebus let him go, and he fell miserably to the floor.

Erebus spoke in a calm and steady voice. "I've taken away your cultivation because you do not deserve the blessings of the Shadows."

Mikal flopped to the ground and started to thrash in pain, screaming until his throat bled. To lose his cultivation was too hard of a blow. The captains rushed forward and held down Mikal's limbs.

Erebus took out his dagger and held it to the fire until it glowed. He knelt before the terrified Mikal and forced his mouth open. With a quick swipe of his blade, Mikal's tongue fell out of his mouth. The hot knife immediately cauterized the wound, but the terrible pain would not be dulled because of this. Mikal's screams turned to pathetic moans. He choked on the blood that rushed up his throat and pooled in his mouth. He coughed a little, splattering the blood over his lips until it poured down his cheeks, creating a dark red puddle on the ground underneath him.

"I cut off your tongue because you carelessly used it to inflict damage to the sect."

Mumbled and gurgled screams ripped through the night as Mikal tried to protest or fight back, but he couldn't move. He could only feel the horrible pain.

Erebus heated both daggers this time, and when they were ready, he swiped down quickly, cleanly cutting off Mikal's arms. The limbs fell uselessly to the side, surprising Comet and Claire, who initially held them down. 

"I take your arms because you have no right to use them and fight by our side."

He then moved to his legs and took them as quickly as his arms. Mikal let out a noise like an animal. Blood poured from his eyes instead of tears.

"The sect walks the same path together. I take your legs because you do not deserve the privilege to share the road with us."

Mikal's eyes were blurring and becoming glassy, indicating that he was losing consciousness. Erebus roughly placed his hand over Mikal's forehead and poured his mana into his body, clearing his consciousness and forcing him to stay awake.

Mikal's screams turned to pitiful moans. Erebus lightly tapped Mikal's cheeks. "I will tell you two things now... You have abused the information you have heard, so I have forced you to listen to yourself moan and howl like a beast. But now, I will take your ears so you will never hear our words again. After that, I will make you see the monster you have become, then gift you with never-ending darkness."

Mikal's eyes widened in fear, and he tried to call out, but his cut tongue restricted him. Erebus pulled his hands back, infused them with mana, and quickly slapped them on either side of Mikal's head. The sound was akin to thunder, making the people around him flinch.

Mikal couldn't scream anymore and only lay down with his mouth gaping open in horror. Erebus smiled coldly and pulled him up by his collar, making him stand on his bloodied stubs. He let out a pained grunt. A mix of blood and drool dripped from his slacked mouth.

Mikal saw Erebus' ruthless and cold silver eyes. Amid his pain, one thought passed through his mind. This is an actual demon.

Erebus erected a long shadow that stood upright in front of Mikal. The shadow seemed to tremble and compress until it became reflective. A dark silver mirror suddenly stood before the disfigured Mikal, forcing him to see the creature he had become.

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