57. A Procession

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Erebus recalled the Devil he killed a year ago while searching for Leo. He played a game of questions with the Devil before he granted him a Blood Ash Death.

There was something from that conversation that Erebus suddenly remembered. The Devil protested against the fact the Titans cursed them.

"Lies... that's a lie! We have served and worshipped the Titans! Our Sover—"

But he didn't finish his thought, and Erebus didn't inquire about it. However, now he knew who the Devil was referring to... their Devil Sovereign.

The air fluctuated dangerously around Erebus. Shadowbane named him the Demon Sovereign, hoping he would rise to lead them. They placed their dreams and desires into this name, and it was a heavy crown to bear. At first, he felt unworthy of this title, but he worked endlessly to withstand that name's burden and protect his people's hopes. By the end of his life, he accepted the responsibility of holding this weighty title.

But these bastards would have the audacity to give their god, a possible Titan, such a similar title? 

"A blatant mockery," he growled.

He glared at the procession of Devils. Perhaps he should gift their god with a blood sacrifice—from one Sovereign to another. 

Everyone stepped away from Erebus as his aura fluctuated. However, Leo stayed beside him and touched Erebus' shoulder. "Didn't you know about this?"

Erebus shook his head. He underestimated the Devils. He knew they had started to worship the Titans, but when he slew their king, they fell to pieces. When he was in the Nothingness, the Devils evolved. 

He watched the procession with narrowed eyes but then felt a chill run up his spine. Those in the red robes in the center were walking stiffly. They reminded him of puppets.

Many years ago, Erebus spent three long days fighting Aboros and only succeeded because Fenrir was by his side. It was a difficult battle and left him depleted and severely wounded. But he knew there were prisoners, so they went deeper into the mountain. To his horror, what he found wasn't a prison but a lab.

Mad Blasphemy stood in the center with a lab coat stained red by his victims' blood. A crazed look filled his eyes, and he only laughed gleefully. Many humans, elves, and creatures were hung from the ceiling by hooks. Others were tied to the tables in the room. Their bodies were split open, and their insides had been scoped out.

Erebus lost his reasoning and let the Phonoi Heart influence his mind. He grabbed Mad Blasphemy by the neck and slammed him on the table. He broke all of his fingers and ripped off his horns. The Devil was screaming and laughing as his blood ran down his face.

Erebus picked up one of his scalpels and started to cut and pull off his skin. This was when the laughter stopped and turned into screams of terror.

"Titans! Help me! Help! A'Teh!" He yelled into the empty air. 

He continued his cries until his eyes trembled, and he bit down on his tongue. Erebus didn't stop him and watched him choke on his blood and die. He wanted a more miserable ending, but at least he felt some comfort that it was a dishonorable death.

He pondered on the words he heard. What was A'Teh? 

However, the question fled his mind when he saw several people standing against the far wall. He rushed toward them but faltered when he noticed peculiarities. 

They were not restrained or tied up but refused to move. They had a dull look in their eyes, and their mouths hung open a little. They were completely bare, and their bodies were covered in stitched-up wounds. Erebus examined them with his mana and found that their mana cores and other organs were dug out. Their heads also had rough scars, and he could determine that their skulls were cracked open and their minds disturbed.

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