13. Swiftmoore (2)

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Erebus followed the guard to an office built within the city walls.  When he entered, he saw someone who deeply contrasted Milo's appearance and demeanor.  He was a tall, willowy dark elf who seemed delicate, but Erebus could feel the strength in his aura.  He wore armor similar to the guards and a black cape wrapped around his shoulders, pinned with a Gramr brooch.

The dark elf looked up with surprise.  "Oh? We have a guest?"

The guard nodded enthusiastically.  "This is Hunter Erebus.  He wants to register his entry pass and hunter license with Shadowbane."

The dark elf was surprised, and he examined Erebus up and down.  "Is that so?

Erebus gave him a slight bow.  "Sir.  If you find me acceptable."

"May I ask why Shadowbane?"  He inquired.

Erebus smiled under his mask.  "As a shadow cultivator, I would feel more at ease here."

The dark elf nodded but still had a skeptical look.  "High Serpent also has several shadow cultivators."

Erebus chuckled.  "I heard Shadowbane and High Serpent have a neutral relationship, but I did not expect you to refer others to their sect."

The elf gave him a curious look. "A war between our two sects would be devastating, so it is best to resolve any disputes amicably. They are cunning but honorable, so I don't mind presenting them as an option. As you must know, Shadowbane has a long but tumultuous history."

"My resolve is not so feeble. Besides, if High Serpent only has several shadow cultivators, how would that benefit me?"

The dark elf's lips curled upwards. "It probably wouldn't in the long run. How about Golden Mountain?"

Erebus tsked with annoyance. "Golden Mountain only cultivates pretentiousness. I'd rather be a rogue wanderer than join their forces. Besides, Shadowbane has earned my respect long ago."

"Shadowbane is not an easy road.  We live in the shadows and not in glory or prestige."  He explained.

Erebus smiled slightly.  "Shadows are my cultivation. Darkness is my path."

The dark elf repeated his words to himself.  "... Shadows are my cultivation, darkness is my path... Interesting."  He gave Erebus a pensive look.  "Many people believe Shadowbane has an evil history, especially because we only accept shadow cultivators.  They think we are darkness incarnate."

Erebus shrugged.  "How unfortunate to be so blind.  Water is the element that heals, but have you seen the destruction of a frozen domain? Earth can protect you or swallow you whole..."  He shuddered, thinking of his earthen prison. "Fire can warm you for the night or burn down a civilization.  Evil is not the element, but the intent."

The dark elf laughed loudly and patted Erebus' shoulder.  "Well said!  I apologize for the questions, but I had to be sure."

The guard looked embarrassed.  "You could have asked me, and I would have already told you how he declined Captain Milo."

The dark elf looked surprised.  "Did you?  Well, that's refreshing."

Erebus was perplexed. "I have only met rabid dogs from Golden Mountain and have determined that they are a rotten rope.  If I want to live, then I will never grab hold of it."

The dark elf  grinned and held out his hand.  "I'm Castian, one of the captains of Shadowbane, and I am in charge of the Shadowbane guards here.  Let me take you to the sect headquarters."

Erebus bowed.  "Thank you, Captain."

As he promised, he led him quickly to the headquarters.  He could see several association headquarters with magnificent buildings that rose as high as the walls, but the Shadowbane sect looked somewhat unimpressive with a two-story structure.  However, Erebus could feel fluctuations deep below.  He tapped his foot and ran his mana into the ground.

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