47. Stargazer

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Erebus heard a noise near the terrace door and finally realized he was still holding Leo tightly to his chest. He was surprised by his actions. He didn't know when he started to touch Leo arbitrarily. He released his embrace and leaned back to separate them a little. However, he was curiously reluctant to let go of Leo's hand.

This need to be close to Leo was foreign to Erebus. Was it because he hadn't had a comrade like this in a long time?

Erebus had calculated that it had been almost four thousand years since he was trapped in the Soul Stone. He had gone millenniums in solitude, so perhaps he was touch-starved. But if that was the case, wouldn't he seek the touch of many people, not just Leo?

Leo looked up to him, the tips of his ears slightly flushed and his eyes gleaming in the ambient light.

"Sorry," Leo murmured and pulled away before the door opened.

Erebus cleared his throat and moved so there was more space between the two of them. He was surprised to see Astra had come out.

She was blushing as she looked between Leo and Erebus. "I didn't mean to interrupt. I just wanted to say goodbye before I head back to Silvercloud."

Leo frowned and stood up. "But you just got here. Can't you stay with Shadowbane for a while?"

Astra bit her lip and shook her head. "Master was anxious for my return."

Leo huffed. "Olivia should have some respect."

"She's just worried about my..." her words trailed off, and she pointed to her eyes.

Erebus observed their interaction, recalling his conversation with a crazed beggar when he was the Demon Sovereign. Erebus was going to turn the beggar away, but he was drawn in by his haunting words when they first encountered each other.

Life and Death are so twisted in you... do you think you can protect Life when all you breathe is Death?

Erebus exhaled sharply as the memory came to fruition.

The world was dark, but the objects around him still took shape. Everything seemed to be made of mana and shadows. Although he no longer had eyes, he could see, even in shades of black.

A man sat before him, and he could make out his energy and shape through his mana. The beggar had frail legs and arms, with gnarled hands holding onto a cane. His back was hunched while his face was adorned with a long, untidy beard. But his eyes drew Erebus' attention. Even through mana and shadows, they reminded Erebus of mirrors.

The old man cackled. "I would offer to read your palms, but partial arms mean a partial future."

Erebus growled a little and tapped his finger a little clumsily. [Get on with it, old man. Why am I entertaining you?]

The aide beside him was about to speak, but the old man raised his hand. "Your mind is weak and open. I hear and see it all." The old man sighed dramatically. "Such a long death you are experiencing."

Erebus stood angrily and moved towards him, but the old man disappeared. Not even his shadow was revealed to him. Erebus turned, but he knew it was useless to do so without eyes. He moved his mana and froze in anger.

He whipped around and found the beggar on his throne. The guards pulled out their weapons and turned them on the old man. Erebus wanted to curse, but he didn't know the strength of this old man and didn't want to doom the people next to him. He raised his hand to stop them.

The old man grinned. "Your fate is twisted, and in this body, your destiny is only to meet Death. Consider this life a long final breath.... strange, strange, strange. Death is the only way you can live."

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