31. Amarok Wolves (2)

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Erebus shook the melancholy he felt from his memory of Fenrir. There was no time to grieve his old friend. He needed to focus on befriending these wolves somehow and entering the facility. If the Amarok Wolves proved hostile, they must go forward without them. 

Erebus cupped a fist in his hand and bowed towards the wolf with the Death Mask. "Lieutenant General Erebus of Shadowbane greets the proud Amarok Wolves."

The wolves were not prepared for a polite greeting and shifted uncomfortably. Erebus noticed that the wolf with the Death Mask gave a smaller wolf a quick nod.

The smaller wolf let out a rumbling chuckle. "What makes a human reeking of blood worthy of greeting us?"

Erebus stifled a laugh. "We are at war, and I am a killer, so I will naturally smell of blood. Instead of greeting you, should I have ignored you?"

The wolf growled and lowered his body as if stalking his prey. His fur stood up on the back of his neck. "Humans are nothing more than glib tongues and treacherous deeds. We don't need you here."

"I can't argue against your perception about humans. I've met far too many bastards to say otherwise." Erebus sighed. "Nevertheless, a civil conversation with your leader can prove we have the same goal."

"I am the leader here," he snarled.

This time, Erebus didn't stop the laugh from escaping. "You?"

The wolf's chest rumbled. "I, Ove, am the strongest."

Erebus rolled his eyes. "If you are the strongest, then the Amarok Wolves have declined greatly. Go back to your portal and leave the Devils to us."

"You arrogant human. I will tear you to shreds."

Erebus sighed. "This is getting us nowhere. You are just a whelp who stinks of your mother's milk." He peered around the wolf, and his gaze landed on the one with the Death Mask again. "Shall we have a proper conversation?"

The older wolf snorted as Ove jumped forward, blocking his view.

Erebus groaned. He truly missed Fenrir at this moment. "Perhaps I was wrong, and the Amarok Wolves are no longer the guardians of the Spirit Realm. They have turned to mongrels and thugs."

This set off the other wolves, and they all snarled at Erebus' words, but he didn't mind. "How dare you." Some growled.

Erebus shrugged. "If you care about the creatures imprisoned in the Devils' facility, you will want to work with us. Our goals are the same."

A rumble sounded from the wolf's chest. "You only care for your own."

"Our prince is why we came, but I am sincere when I tell you that I am concerned about the others from the Spirit Realm. No one deserves to be in that facility." Erebus paused and decided to play his cards differently for these stubborn wolves. "For a greater success rate, I am extending my hand per the Luna Vow."

The Luna Vow was an old pact made a few days before his death as the Demon Sovereign. He and Fenrir were anxious about the final battle and wanted to devise a contingency plan. They created a sacred vow under the moon between the Amarok Wolves and Shadowbane where they could call on each other for aid. 

However, when Erebus returned, he realized this pact had fallen apart. Those of the Spirit Realm retreated into their world, and Shadowbane turned their eyes towards the light instead of the shadows.

It was a risk to bring it up, but it at least caused a stir. The eldest wolf stepped forward, making the young retreat immediately.

"How do you know of this vow?" He asked.

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