91. Titans and Sovereigns

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Erebus looked blankly down at the head in his hand and took a long breath. His eyes trembled when he lifted his gaze and saw Leo and Astra next to him on the platform.

"I would have granted him the Blood Ash Death, but the rune he drew requires his blood. He wanted to bring this place down on his own." Erebus explained as he gently placed the head on Aboros' lap.

Leo grabbed his shoulder. "We need to destroy this place now. I don't like the feeling I'm getting from whatever the fuck is behind that curtain."

Erebus nodded and waved his hand. Skadi emerged from the shadows and pawed nervously on the ground.

"Find Fenrir and have him retreat into the Spirit Realm with everyone else, including you. We'll follow him there soon." Erebus ordered.

Skadi nodded and disappeared into the shadows. Erebus closed his eyes and focused on the mana of the Shadowbane soldiers and found Fenrir. He could feel the surge of magic as Fenrir opened the portal, and he waited until it closed.

Erebus sighed with relief and started to examine the massive rune on the ground. It was nearly completed, but just waiting for Aboros' blood and activation.

He was still on the platform but heard a rustling behind him, and suddenly, the room lit up under a yellow glow. Erebus felt an impending and ominous doom wrap around him like a noose.

Astra was the first to look towards the glow and collapsed with her hands clutching the sides of her head. She opened her mouth and let out a soul-shaking scream.

Erebus grabbed her quickly and launched himself away from the platform, Leo next to him with a pale face. They no longer thought about destroying Kurat Hall but only escaping. They reached the door, but a black flame licked up the door and blocked their exit.

Erebus watched the flames as if enchanted for a moment. "That power does not belong to you," he whispered.

He had no idea why he said that, but everything inside of him knew that this was the truth. This was not a Titan's power because these flames came from the very heart of darkness.

Astra stirred in his arms, making him break his gaze away from the flames and let out a curse. He placed Astra on the ground. He drew several runes, and a bubble emerged, protecting her from harm and muffled the thoughts of the creature stalking them.

Erbus turned around. Behind Aboros' chair was an enormous cylinder with the same yellow liquid from the mutated hybrid creatures they killed before. But inside of this cylinder was a man about three meters tall. His hair was golden like the sun and floated behind him. His gaze was piercing, and the green eyes made Erebus shudder. On his back were three pairs of white wings.

He could have been called angelic, but the distorted look on his face revealed his evil nature.

"A'Teh," Erebus muttered.

He spent countless years cutting down the sympathizers of Titans, and now he knew Kore was a Titan, hiding amongst the humans. But this was his first time against one in its original form.

A'Teh's lips stretched into a sinister grin, revealing a mouth filled with pointed teeth. He placed a large hand against the glass and pressed firmly. The glass made popping noises and started to crack from the pressure.

Erebus removed his blades and readied himself while Leo pulled out his sword. No words were spoken because they were trying to comprehend the monster they were about to face.

Erebus circulated his shadow mana, and the moment that A'Teh broke the cylinder, he used his mana to push back the yellow liquid so it would not cause any issues with the blood array that Aboros had set up.

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