28. A Demon's Blessing (2)

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Mikal shrunk back with a whimper, trying to plead with the others around him. "Before I destroy you, you will listen to me," Erebus said lightly.

He glanced around at the group surrounding him.

Erebus sighed a little. Halcyon asked him to be cautious about revealing his legacy, but these people needed to understand why he would go to such lengths to punish a traitor. He needed to let them know and gain their trust, although he would open some old wounds.

With a wry smile on his face, he started. "I know of a story that goes back to ancient times... Before the Warring Era, the people of Halrland knew little about cultivation outside the basic elements: fire, earth, and water. They never felt the need to look past Halrland and were ignorant of the other realms. After a time, mana started to evolve, and new techniques were discovered. However, the people of Halrland were fearful beings and were convinced that anyone who cultivated something outside their knowledge was evil. Therefore, a great hunt began. The hunted cultivators banded together to survive, built their own sect, and sought to escape the people's wrath.

"They found a portal that would lead them to a new world, so they left. To their horror, they learned the other realms were not as ignorant as their own.  More importantly, many from these realms wanted to invade Halrland. To protect their homeworld, they found like-minded civilizations and created alliances. Then, they sought out their enemies and destroyed them.

"This sect's perseverance saved the realm a hundred times over. They fought behind the scenes, not looking for glory or honor. They did not even bother to fight for prestige or acceptance. They allowed their names to be forgotten and lost with time.

"The world closed its eyes to its heroes. Still, they were content to live in the shadows and be the bane of the world's enemies."

It was an old history of Shadowbane, one that was told to him many times. This happened countless years before Erebus was born. Even though he didn't know how old Shadowbane was, he was aggrieved to see that people of this era knew even less.

"You would think this sect would become despondent and hate the world, but they never did. They only wished to hunt down those who would harm the realms. Their camaraderie was second to none. The soldier beside them always protected their back, so they fought fiercely and confidently. They moved as one and thought as one. They cared not for recognition when they had each other."

He smiled nostalgically, remembering how he would fight with Shadowbane of the past. Protecting a comrade's back was more important than taking an enemy's life.  Their fierce loyalty made them a frightening opponent.

"One day, they found a powerful cultivator who could not only help them but had the potential to lead them. They set out to bring him into the fold, but they must have been disappointed when they spoke with him..."

They gave Erebus a curious look. Why would they be disappointed if this cultivator was so great that this ancient sect would seek him out?

Erebus smiled a little, but it was wry and despondent.  "You see, this man had established himself in another sect.  He had a brother-in-arms who he was loyal to and a wife that he cherished.  He promised to give them everything, including his life... and it was his life that his brother and wife desired.  He dedicated decades serving them like a fucking fool, completely naive of the darkness lurking within their hearts."

His anger was deeply laced in his voice, making the others shudder.  He took a deep breath to calm himself and found himself absentmindedly rubbing the hand that pierced through Kore's chest.  He could still feel the heat from her heart.

"That treacherous duo poisoned that man and then manipulated him into thinking he had greatly sinned. He let himself become imprisoned and tortured himself with guilt to atone for the sin he didn't commit. When the ancient sect reached out to him, he slapped their hand away, chased them out, and resigned himself to his fate."

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