73. Kings and Mad Devils (3)

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The dark sky started to brighten a little, announcing daybreak. The fire had long died off, so Erebus could feel the sting on his cheeks from the crisp air. The morning chill caused many of the men to shiver in their tents. The cold didn't affect Erebus like the others, but he still pulled his cloak tighter around his shoulders and watched his breath escape his lips. 

It usually wasn't this cold in the South, but the warm seasons seemed fleeting, and the cold was unforgiving. He wondered if the once red and lush land that turned barren would soon transform into a snowy tundra. 

There was also a change in the very structure of the world that he couldn't quite pinpoint. Not only has the climate changed, but even mutated beasts seem to have disappeared overnight. 

He wondered how the rest of the realms may have changed. Kore's words haunted him and reminded him that the world would pass him by. He was imprisoned for thousands of years, and the world had become unrecognizable. Eri's memories of Halrland were extremely different from his, but they never sunk in until this night. How was he going to adapt to a new world?

His thoughts were interrupted when a steaming mug was held out in front of him. He flinched a little and looked up to see a smiling Leo. He didn't even realize he had gotten up. Still, he returned the smile and took the mug gratefully when he smelled the tea's herbal and sweet scents.

Erebus took a long drink from the cup of tea. "Thank you," he said with a quiet voice.

Leo sat beside him with his mug and leaned against his arm. "So you will be leaving this morning?" Leo asked.

Erebus nodded. "I should be gone a week at the most. Depends if I run into anything troublesome on the way."

Leo sighed. "What troubles are you expecting?"

"Who knows? But with a personality like mine, it's always best to expect a little trouble, especially when these Devils hold a grudge." He said lightly.

Leo groaned. "That much is true."

"I'll be careful, though," Erebus promised him. "If I can run away, I will."

Leo seemed surprised. "You would?"

Erebus chuckled. "It will be difficult at first because fighting is an old habit, but I will do my best."

"As long as you come back to my side," Leo said quietly.

Erebus gently kissed his temple, relishing how easy it was to show Leo affection. "I will."

Leo fell silent for a while and contemplated his following words. "You're worried about Kurat Hall and Aboros."

Erebus' body tensed a little. So much knowledge had been lost, and Shadowbane was at a disadvantage.

"The Devils are not blessed with cultivation skills. The most powerful can possibly reach the Early Emperor Realm, but the strongest Devils will remain in the King Realm. With these cultivation levels, they are no threat to the major sects. However, Aboros was too close to breaking through to the Immortal Realm before he died. Mad Blasphemy helped in some aspects, but somehow, his body could cultivate successfully in Undanfold. The legends downplay his overwhelming strength, and the battle against him was truly difficult."

His body seemed to remember the burning pain from the three-day battle. He was covered in wounds, and his mana was depleted many times, making his core feel thin and stretched. His body ached everywhere, and he wondered if the attrition would kill him before Aboros did. When he finally slew Aboros, Erebus remembers letting out a strangled noise of exhausted jubilation. Inwardly, he swore that he never wanted to fight him again.

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