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This chapter is to help remember a random fact about this novel's realms/cultivation (let's be honest, it's more for me because I kept forgetting small details as I was writing this). If you need me to add anything, please feel free to leave a comment here. 


Foundation Realms. There are 9 levels within this cultivation realm (simply called the 1st Foundation Realm through the 9th Foundation Realm). This is the start of a cultivator's journey, and they will need this solid foundation to grow strong in the future realms.

The following realms will only have three levels and will be split into Early, Intermediate, and Peak.

Early—the cultivator just entered this level
Intermediate—the cultivator stabilized this level
Peak—the cultivator is about to break into the next level/realm

King Realm. (Early, Intermediate, Peak)
Emperor Realm. (Early, Intermediate, Peak)
Divine Realm. (Early, Intermediate, Peak)
Immortal Realm. (Early, Intermediate, Peak)

Runes vs. Mage

Runes are more like formation arrays used for one-time use (along the lines of Doctor Strange's magic). The arrays can be used for anything—attacking, defense, domains, traps, and talismans. They can be simple, such as providing a light source or complicated to create a massive illusion. Runemasters use their mana to draw arrays, but those lacking in mana could use outside magical sources to draw arrays.

Formations, in essence, are runes. While most Runemasters will draw runes out of mana for one-time consumption, formations are a little more durable. They can be drawn on surfaces and be activated at a specific time. For example, an illusion formation can be triggered when someone steps within it and can be used over and over until someone breaks it.

There are a lot more possibilities with Runes versus mages; however, the downside is the time needed to draw runes.

Mages use mana/magic to launch spells, and are considered range attackers. A mage's magic is almost instantaneous, and they can attack, defend, or heal. They rarely use weapons because their magic is so powerful; however, mages are usually bound to the element they specialize in (fire, water, shadows, etc.). Strong weapon users can use mage techniques; however, their magic will be lacking compared to mages.

Most cultivators will use weapons, but can infuse mana into their weapons to make an attack more powerful.


The land of the Elves, Efstfold, was strong in mana and could raise the potential of Elves immensely; however, they must go through a right of passage in other realms to become true elven warriors.

In the land of humans, Halrland, the mana energy was consistent and would help build a steady foundation.

The Spirit Realm was a blessing for humans and Elves alike, but that realm is normally closed to anyone other than the residents. Spirit Realm Kings, such as Erebus and Fenrir, protect regions of the Spirit Realm, and they can teleport in and out of the Spirit Realm.

Undanfold is a cursed land. It is thin in mana and suppresses cultivators. When they enter Undanfold, they will lose strength (ie. an Early Emperor Realm cultivator may only have the power of an Early King Realm cultivator). Usually, when a cultivator leaves Undanfold, they need to be in seclusion to handle the sudden eruption of mana in their bodies and remeasure their cultivation levels.

Random Terms:

Authority: The power granted to someone named King in the Spirit Realm. This allows them to portal in and out of the Spirit Realm. It also refines the holder's aura and purifies their mana.

Battle Soulbond: When two people are destined to fight together. They have strong synergy and tact understanding, becoming fearsome opponents. This bond is more than fighting well, they souls interconnect and their fates become weaved together. They more they fight side by side, the more powerful the bond.

Domain: Using your aura to have control over a certain space. Domains will have characteristics of the cultivator (ie. Erebus' is when the shadows turn the ground black with darkness). The stronger the cultivator, the larger the domain is. 

Heart Demon: Negative emotions or mental barriers that hinders someone's cultivation.

Killing Intent: A cultivator's bloodthirsty aura. If someone's killing intent is powerful enough, it could have physical effects to other others and the world around them. 

Examples: Killing Intent influenced by the Phonoi Heart is manifested as a black smoke rising from Erebus' body. Erebus' killing intent freezes the world around him.

Shadow Step: Moving through the shadows. All the shadows are connected like a road, so a shadow cultivator can move through them. Those who are more attuned with the shadows can travel through objects and walls.

Spirit Bond: Humans would call each other brothers, but the process was much more sacred for a creature from the Spirit Realm. They would create links between their souls, becoming closer than ever. They could also feel each other's emotions and, in dire moments, see each other's memories. Additionally, this bond allowed them to speak through their minds and allow the Spirit Realm creature to travel to the bond holder's side immediately.

The bond holder would be branded with a depiction of the creature, much like a tattoo. 

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